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How can I forbid a simple assignment MyClass=int?

if I have a class with attributes like this:

struct MyClass {
   double **arowofpointers;
   int capacity;

Now, if the task says "make sure this line of code in the main function is legal:

MyClass a(10); //makes a variable whose type is MyClass that has the capacity of 10

But make sure that the following line of code in the main function is not legal:

MyClass a=10;

Still, the following line of your code in the main function should be legal:


where, a,b and c are all variables whose type is MyClass.

Which constructors should I make? Is there anything I should set on delete or something?

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Sanjichy Avatar asked Sep 20 '18 10:09


2 Answers

Constructing an instance of type MyClass like this

MyClass a(10);

requires a constructor that takes an integer parameter:

class MyClass {
    MyClass(int param);

  // ...

But as constructors are implicit by default (which is unfortunate), allowing for MyClass a = 10;, you need to make it explicit:

// This constructor must be called explicitly via MyClass(int)
explicit MyClass(int param);

This will make the compiler complain when it encounters MyClass a = 10;.

For the operator part of your question, you might want to have a look at this (the "Arithmetic Operators" part).

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lubgr Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 16:10


MyClass a(10); requires a conversion constructor that takes an integer as input. To prevent MyClass a=10;, make this constructor explicit.

a = b + c; requires an operator+ to concatenate two MyClass objects, and an operator= to assign one MyClass object to another. If you want to support initializations like MyClass a = b;, MyClass a = b + c;, etc, you will also need a copy constructor as well.

And don't forget a destructor.

So, you will need these constructors and operators in your struct:

struct MyClass
   double **arowofpointers;
   int capacity;

   // default constructor

   // conversion constructor
   explicit MyClass(int cap);

   // copy constructor
   MyClass(const MyClass &src);

   // move constructor (C++11 and later only, optional but recommended)
   MyClass(MyClass &&src);

   // destructor

   // copy assignment operator
   MyClass& operator=(const MyClass &rhs);

   // move assignment operator(C++11 and later only, optional but recommended)
   MyClass& operator=(MyClass &&rhs);

   // concatenation operator overload
   MyClass operator+(const MyClass &rhs) const;

   // compound concatenation assignment operator (optional)
   MyClass& operator+=(const MyClass &rhs);

   // swap helper
   void swap(MyClass &other);

// std::swap() overload
void swap(MyClass &lhs, MyClass &rhs);

Where the implementations might look something like this:

#include <algorithm>

    : arowofpointers(nullptr), capacity(0)

MyClass::MyClass(int cap)
    : arowofpointers(new double*[cap]), capacity(cap)
    std::fill_n(arowofpointers, capacity, nullptr);

MyClass::MyClass(const MyClass &src)
    : arowofpointers(new double*[src.capacity]), capacity(src.capacity)
    std::copy(src.arowofpointers, src.arowofpointers + capacity, arowofpointers);

MyClass::MyClass(MyClass &&src)
    : arowofpointers(nullptr), capacity(0)

    delete[] arowofpointers;

MyClass& MyClass::operator=(const MyClass &rhs)
    if (&rhs != this)
    return *this;

MyClass& MyClass::operator=(MyClass &&rhs)
    MyClass tmp(std::move(*this));
    return *this;

MyClass MyClass::operator+(const MyClass &rhs) const
    MyClass tmp(capacity + rhs.capacity);
    std::copy(arowofpointers, arowofpointers + capacity, tmp.arowofpointers);
    std::copy(rhs.arowofpointers, rhs.arowofpointers + rhs.capacity, tmp.arowofpointers + capacity);
    return tmp;

MyClass& MyClass::operator+=(const MyClass &rhs)
    MyClass tmp = *this + rhs;
    return *this;

void swap(MyClass &lhs, MyClass &rhs)

That being said, if you use std::vector instead, then you don't need to handle most of this yourself, let the compiler and STL to the heavy work for you:

#include <vector>

struct MyClass
   std::vector<double*> arowofpointers;

   explicit MyClass(int cap);

   MyClass operator+(const MyClass &rhs) const;

   MyClass& operator+=(const MyClass &rhs);

   void swap(MyClass &other);

void swap(MyClass &lhs, MyClass &rhs);

#include <algorithm>

    : arowofpointers()

MyClass::MyClass(int cap)
    : arowofpointers(cap, nullptr)

MyClass MyClass::operator+(const MyClass &rhs) const
    MyClass tmp(arowofpointers.capacity() + rhs.arowofpointers.capacity());
    tmp.arowofpointers.insert(tmp.arowofpointers.end(), arowofpointers.begin(), arowofpointers.end();
    tmp.arowofpointers.insert(tmp.arowofpointers.end(), rhs.arowofpointers.begin(), rhs.arowofpointers.end();
    return tmp;

MyClass& MyClass::operator+=(const MyClass &rhs)
    MyClass tmp = *this + rhs;
    return *this;

void swap(MyClass &lhs, MyClass &rhs)
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Remy Lebeau Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 15:10

Remy Lebeau