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How can I flip the result of WebGLRenderingContext.readPixels()?




Why is the imageData that I get from WebGLRenderingContext.readPixels() upside down?

I try to do the folowing:

var gl = renderer.domElement.getContext("webgl")

var pixels = new Uint8Array(gl.drawingBufferWidth * gl.drawingBufferHeight * 4);
gl.readPixels(0, 0, gl.drawingBufferWidth, gl.drawingBufferHeight, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, pixels);

var imageData = new ImageData(Uint8ClampedArray.from(pixels), gl.drawingBufferWidth, gl.drawingBufferHeight);

ctx.putImageData(imageData, 0, 0);

but the result is an image that is mirrored along the x-axis (i.e.: flipped upside down).

I've also tried to use scale after ctx.putImageData like this:

ctx.scale(1, -1);

But no results. Reversing the pixels also doesn't work.

By now I understand that putImageData() uses coordinates that start from top left, and readPixels() starts from bottom left.

Does anyone have suggestions on how to flip the image or avoid the problem altogether?

like image 969
simone Avatar asked Jan 31 '17 23:01


1 Answers

If you're going to copy to a 2d canvas to flip you might as well skip the readPixels. Just use drawImage

var dstX = 0;
var dstY = 0;
var dstWidth = ctx.canvas.width;
var dstHeight = ctx.canvas.height;    
ctx.drawImage(gl.canvas, dstX, dstY, dstWidth, dstHeight);

The browser will do the right thing and the result will be right side up.


var gl = document.querySelector("#webgl").getContext("webgl");
var ctx = document.querySelector("#two_d").getContext("2d");

// fill webgl canvas with red on top and blue on bottom
for (var y = 0; y < 15; ++y) {
  var v = y / 14;
  gl.scissor(0, y * 10, 300, 10);
  gl.clearColor(v, 0, 1 - v, 1);

// copy it to 2d canvas
var dstX = 0;
var dstY = 0;
var dstWidth = ctx.canvas.width;
var dstHeight = ctx.canvas.height;
ctx.drawImage(gl.canvas, dstX, dstY, dstWidth, dstHeight);
canvas { 
  margin: 1em;
  border: 1px solid black;
<canvas id="webgl"></canvas>
<canvas id="two_d"></canvas>

If you really did want to call gl.readPixels for some reason (you had no intent of every putting them in a 2d canvas, then you can just flip the bytes

var width = gl.drawingBufferWidth;
var height = gl.drawingBufferHeight
var pixels = new Uint8Array(width * height * 4);
gl.readPixels(0, 0, width, height, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, pixels);

var halfHeight = height / 2 | 0;  // the | 0 keeps the result an int
var bytesPerRow = width * 4;

// make a temp buffer to hold one row
var temp = new Uint8Array(width * 4);
for (var y = 0; y < halfHeight; ++y) {
  var topOffset = y * bytesPerRow;
  var bottomOffset = (height - y - 1) * bytesPerRow;

  // make copy of a row on the top half
  temp.set(pixels.subarray(topOffset, topOffset + bytesPerRow));

  // copy a row from the bottom half to the top
  pixels.copyWithin(topOffset, bottomOffset, bottomOffset + bytesPerRow);

  // copy the copy of the top half row to the bottom half 
  pixels.set(temp, bottomOffset);


var gl = document.querySelector("#webgl").getContext("webgl");
var ctx = document.querySelector("#two_d").getContext("2d");

// fill webgl canvas with red on top and blue on bottom
for (var y = 0; y < 15; ++y) {
  var v = y / 14;
  gl.scissor(0, y * 10, 300, 10);
  gl.clearColor(v, 0, 1 - v, 1);

var width = gl.drawingBufferWidth;
var height = gl.drawingBufferHeight
var pixels = new Uint8Array(width * height * 4);
gl.readPixels(0, 0, width, height, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, pixels);

var halfHeight = height / 2 | 0;  // the | 0 keeps the result an int
var bytesPerRow = width * 4;

// make a temp buffer to hold one row
var temp = new Uint8Array(width * 4);
for (var y = 0; y < halfHeight; ++y) {
  var topOffset = y * bytesPerRow;
  var bottomOffset = (height - y - 1) * bytesPerRow;

  // make copy of a row on the top half
  temp.set(pixels.subarray(topOffset, topOffset + bytesPerRow));

  // copy a row from the bottom half to the top
  pixels.copyWithin(topOffset, bottomOffset, bottomOffset + bytesPerRow);

  // copy the copy of the top half row to the bottom half 
  pixels.set(temp, bottomOffset);

// This part is not part of the answer. It's only here
// to show the code above worked
// copy the pixels in a 2d canvas to show it worked
var imgdata = new ImageData(with, height);
ctx.putImageData(imgdata, 0, 0);
canvas { 
  margin: 1em;
  border: 1px solid black;
<canvas id="webgl"></canvas>
<canvas id="two_d"></canvas>
like image 115
gman Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 04:10
