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How can I find the size of `map` in ocaml? I am using `Map.Make` functor to create module?



I could not find any size or len function in the official documentation. What is a simple way to find the number of elements in a map created using:

module M = Map.Make(String)

I am looking for something like M.size M.empty : 0.

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abhishek Avatar asked Aug 17 '17 19:08


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1 Answers

The function that you're looking for is called cardinal (as in the cardinality of a set).


module M = Map.Make(String)

let m = M.singleton "x" "y"
let () = Printf.printf "%d\n" (M.cardinal m)

This will print 1, as there is exactly one binding.

like image 151
Reimer Behrends Avatar answered Dec 08 '22 04:12

Reimer Behrends