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How can I find the index of an item in Swift? [duplicate]



Is there a method called indexof or something similar?

var array = ["Jason", "Charles", "David"]  indexOf(array, "Jason") // Should return 0 
like image 813
Barnash Avatar asked Jun 08 '14 10:06


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Method #1 : Using loop + set() In this, we just insert all the elements in set and then compare each element's existence in actual list. If it's the second occurrence or more, then index is added in result list.

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To find the index of a specific element in an Array in Swift, call firstIndex() method and pass the specific element for of parameter. Array. firstIndex(of: Element) returns the index of the first match of specified element in the array. If specified element is not present in the array, then this method returns nil .

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A set is a collection of unordered unique values. Therefore, it cannot contain a duplicate element.

1 Answers

EDIT: As of Swift 3.0, you should use the .index(where:) method instead and follow the change in the Swift 2.0 edit below.

EDIT: As of Swift 2.0, you should use the indexOf method instead. It too returns nil or the first index of its argument.

if let i = array.indexOf("Jason") {     print("Jason is at index \(i)") } else {     print("Jason isn't in the array") } 

Use the find function. It returns either nil (if the value isn't found) or the first index of the value in the array.

if let i = find(array, "Jason") {     println("Jason is at index \(i)") } else {     println("Jason isn't in the array") } 
like image 117
nathan Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 07:09
