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How can I find a dataset that has some specific attributes? [duplicate]



The package datasets and various packages come with a fair amount of useful datasets, however there seems to be no easy way to find your perfect dataset when you need it for your package examples, for teaching purposes, or to ask/answer a question here on SO.

Say for instance I want a dataset that is a data.frame, has at least 2 character columns, and is less than 100 rows long.

How can I explore EVERY dataset available and see a maximum of relevant information to make my choice ?

My past tries were messy, taking time, and crashed with some packages which have an unusual object structure like caret.

like image 783
Moody_Mudskipper Avatar asked Sep 14 '17 16:09


People also ask

How do I select a single record for duplicates in SQL?

To select duplicate values, you need to create groups of rows with the same values and then select the groups with counts greater than one. You can achieve that by using GROUP BY and a HAVING clause.

How do you find duplicate record in a table?

One way to find duplicate records from the table is the GROUP BY statement. The GROUP BY statement in SQL is used to arrange identical data into groups with the help of some functions. i.e if a particular column has the same values in different rows then it will arrange these rows in a group.

1 Answers

I've packaged a solution in a one function github package.

I'm copying the whole code at the bottom but the simplest is :


All data sets from package "dplyr"

dplyr_all <-



Datasets from package "datasets" restricted by condition

datasets_ncol5 <-
  datasearch("datasets", filter =  ~is.data.frame(.) && ncol(.) == 5)



All datasets from all installed packages, no restriction

# might take more or less time, depends what you have installed
all_datasets <- datasearch()


# subsetting the output
my_subset <- subset(
  class1 == "data.frame" &
    grepl("treatment", names_collapsed) &
    nrow < 100



datasearch <- function(pkgs = NULL, filter = NULL){
  # make function silent
  w <- options()$warn
  options(warn = -1)
  search_ <- search()
  file_ <- tempfile()
  file_ <- file(file_, "w")
    options(warn = w)
    to_detach <- setdiff(search(), search_)
    for(pkg in to_detach) eval(bquote(detach(.(pkg))))
    # note : we still have loaded namespaces, we could unload those that we ddn't
    # have in the beginning but i'm worried about surprising effects, I think
    # the S3 method tables should be cleaned too, and maybe other things

    # note2 : tracing library and require didn't work

  # convert formula to function
  if(inherits(filter, "formula")) {
    filter <- as.function(c(alist(.=), filter[[length(filter)]]))

  ## by default fetch all available packages in .libPaths()
  if(is.null(pkgs)) pkgs <- .packages(all.available = TRUE)
  ## fetch all data sets description
  df <- as.data.frame(data(package = pkgs, verbose = FALSE)$results)
  names(df) <- tolower(names(df))
  item <- NULL # for cmd check note
  df <- transform(
    data_name = sub('.*\\((.*)\\)', '\\1', item),
    dataset   = sub(' \\(.*', '', item),
    libpath = NULL,
    item = NULL
  df <- df[order(df$package, df$data_name),]
  pkg_data_names <- aggregate(dataset ~ package + data_name, df, c)
  pkg_data_names <- pkg_data_names[order(pkg_data_names$package, pkg_data_names$data_name),]

  env <- new.env()
  n <-  nrow(pkg_data_names)
  pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(
    format = "[:bar] :percent :pkg",
    total = n)
  row_dfs <- vector("list", n)
  for(i in seq(nrow(pkg_data_names))) {
    pkg    <- pkg_data_names$package[i]
    data_name <- pkg_data_names$data_name[i]
    datasets  <- pkg_data_names$dataset[[i]]
    pb$tick(tokens = list(pkg = format(pkg, width = 12)))

    sink(file_, type = "message")
    data(list=data_name, package = pkg, envir = env)
    row_dfs_i <- lapply(datasets, function(dataset) {
      dat <- get(dataset, envir = env)
      if(!is.null(filter) && !filter(dat)) return(NULL)
      cl <- class(dat)
      nms <- names(dat)
      nc <- ncol(dat)
      if (is.null(nc)) nc <- NA
      nr <- nrow(dat)
      if (is.null(nr)) nr <- NA

      out <- data.frame(
        package = pkg,
        data_name = data_name,
        dataset = dataset,
        class = I(list(cl)),
        class1 = cl[1],
        type = typeof(dat),
        names = I(list(nms)),
        names_collapsed = paste(nms, collapse = "/"),
        nrow       = nr,
        ncol       = nc,
        length     = length(dat))

      if("data.frame" %in% cl) {
        classes <- lapply(dat, class)
        cl_flat <- unlist(classes)
        out <- transform(
          classes    = I(list(classes)),
          types      = I(list(vapply(dat, typeof, character(1)))),
          logical    = sum(cl_flat == 'logical'),
          integer    = sum(cl_flat == 'integer'),
          numeric    = sum(cl_flat == 'numeric'),
          complex    = sum(cl_flat == 'complex'),
          character  = sum(cl_flat == 'character'),
          raw        = sum(cl_flat == 'raw'),
          list       = sum(cl_flat == 'list'),
          data.frame = sum(cl_flat == 'data.frame'),
          factor     = sum(cl_flat == 'factor'),
          ordered    = sum(cl_flat == 'ordered'),
          Date       = sum(cl_flat == 'Date'),
          POSIXt     = sum(cl_flat == 'POSIXt'),
          POSIXct    = sum(cl_flat == 'POSIXct'),
          POSIXlt    = sum(cl_flat == 'POSIXlt'))
      } else {
        out <- transform(
          nrow       = NA,
          ncol       = NA,
          classes    = NA,
          types      = NA,
          logical    = NA,
          integer    = NA,
          numeric    = NA,
          complex    = NA,
          character  = NA,
          raw        = NA,
          list       = NA,
          data.frame = NA,
          factor     = NA,
          ordered    = NA,
          Date       = NA,
          POSIXt     = NA,
          POSIXct    = NA,
          POSIXlt    = NA)
      if(is.matrix(dat)) {
        out$names <- list(colnames(dat))
        out$names_collapsed = paste(out$names, collapse = "/")
    row_dfs_i <- do.call(rbind, row_dfs_i)
    if(!is.null(row_dfs_i)) row_dfs[[i]] <- row_dfs_i
    sink(type = "message")
  df2 <- do.call(rbind, row_dfs)
  df <- merge(df, df2)
like image 79
Moody_Mudskipper Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 06:11
