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How can I enumerate a hashtable as key-value pairs / filter a hashtable by a collection of key values

Editor's note: This question has a complicated history, but boils down to this:
* To learn how to enumerate the entries of a hashtable by its key-value pairs, see the accepted answer.
* To learn how to filter a hashtable by a collection of key values, see the other answer.

I think I fell into the X Y problem again, my initial question was about Filtering a hash table. I discovered it's easier to filter before creating the hash table. Question answered, right?

Nope, the Y problem was looping each Key and using the Values which @briantist helped me with.

My goal is to loop over the key names, which are timestamps, and schedule a task using the key name as the task name and trigger.

I'm creating a hash table from a CSV file using Group-Object -AsHashTable -AsString -edit, it's worth mentioning here that filtering the CSV before creating the HashTable only makes things easier down the Pipeline or script.

As an example:

Import-CSV (ls -path D:\ -Filter source*.csv | sort LastWriteTime | Select -Last 1).FullName |
 where {$_.TimeCorrected -ne 'ManualRebootServer'} |
 group TimeCorrected -AsHashTable -AsString

I'm trying to loop over the key names and able to display the key names using:

$var = Import-Csv csv123.csv | Group-Object Value1 -AsHashTable -AsString

foreach ($key in $var.Keys){"The key name is $key"}

#Create a scheduled task named and triggered based on the HashTable keyname
#test test test
foreach ($key in $var.keys){IF($key -ne 'ManualRebootServer'){"Register-ScheduledJob"}}

I'm just not sure how to get the values from the keys I am interested in.

I've found the following works, but only when I enter a Key name manually. I'm just unsure how to combine both loops.

($val.GetEnumerator() | Where {$_.key -eq '06-11-16 18:00'} | ForEach-Object { $_.value }).Server
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user4317867 Avatar asked Jun 04 '16 22:06


People also ask

Is Hashtable a key value pair?

Hashtable stores key/value pair in hash table. In Hashtable we specify an object that is used as a key, and the value we want to associate to that key. The key is then hashed, and the resulting hash code is used as the index at which the value is stored within the table.

How do I get key value pairs in PowerShell?

The key/value pairs might appear in a different order each time that you display them. Although you cannot sort a hash table, you can use the GetEnumerator method of hash tables to enumerate the keys and values, and then use the Sort-Object cmdlet to sort the enumerated values for display.

Is Hashtable value based collection?

The Hashtable is a non-generic collection that stores key-value pairs, similar to generic Dictionary<TKey, TValue> collection. It optimizes lookups by computing the hash code of each key and stores it in a different bucket internally and then matches the hash code of the specified key at the time of accessing values.

How do I iterate through a Hashtable in PowerShell?

In the first method, the one that I prefer, you can use the GetEnumerator method of the hash table object. In the second method, instead of iterating over the hash table itself, we loop over the Keys of the hash table. Both of these methods produce the same output as our original version.

2 Answers

You have some options here.

Enumerating through keys:

foreach ($key in $var.Keys) {
    $value = $var[$key]
    # or
    $value = $var.$key 

Enumerating key-value pairs (which you've discovered, but may not be using effectively):

foreach ($kvp in $var.GetEnumerator()) {
    $key = $kvp.Key
    $val = $kvp.Value
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briantist Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 20:10


To complement briantist's helpful answer by focusing on filtering a hashtable by an array of key values (PSv3+ syntax):

# Sample hashtable.
$ht = @{ one = 1; two = 2; three = 3 }

# Filter it by an array of key values; applying .GetEnumerator() yields an array
# of [System.Collections.DictionaryEntry] instances, which have
# a .Key property and a .Value property.
$ht.GetEnumerator()  | ? Key -in 'one', 'two'

# Similarly, the *output* - even though it *looks* like a hashtable - 
# is a regular PS *array* ([Object[]]) containing [System.Collections.DictionaryEntry]
# entries (2 in this case).
$arrFilteredEntries = $ht.GetEnumerator()  | ? Key -in 'one', 'two'
$arrFilteredEntries.GetType().Name # -> Object[]

To further process the matching key-value pairs, simply pipe to % (ForEach-Object) and access $_.Key and $_.Value (value):

$ht.GetEnumerator()  | ? Key -in 'one', 'two' | 
  % { "Value for key '$($_.Key)': $($_.Value)" }

The equivalent command using a more efficient foreach loop instead of the pipeline:

foreach ($key in $ht.Keys) { 
  if ($key -in 'one', 'two') { "Value for key '$($key)': $($ht.$key)" }

Note: In PSv2:
* operator -in is not supported, but you can use -contains instead with the operands swapped:
'one', 'two' -contains $key
* in the pipeline, use Where-Object { 'one', 'two' -contains $_.Key }

With the sample hashtable, this yields:

Value for key 'two': 2
Value for key 'one': 1

Note how the key order in the output differs from the definition order; in PSv3+, you can create ordered hashtables ([ordered] @{ ... }) to preserve the definition order.

The key-filtering technique used above is not limited to filtering by literal key arrays; any (string) collection will do as the RHS of the -in operand, such as the .Keys collection of a different hashtable:

# Sample input hashtable.
$htInput = @{ one = 1; two = 2; three = 3 }

# Hashtable by whose keys the input hashtable should be filtered.
# Note that the entries' *values* are irrelevant here.
$htFilterKeys = @{ one = $null; two = $null }

# Perform filtering.
$htInput.GetEnumerator()  | ? Key -in $htFilterKeys.Keys | 
  % { "Value for key '$($_.Key)': $($_.Value)" }

# `foreach` loop equivalent:
foreach ($key in $htInput.Keys) {
  if ($key -in $htFilterKeys.Keys) { "Value for key '$($key)': $($htInput.$key)" }

The result is the same as in the example with the static filter-keys array.

Finally, if you want to filter a hashtable in place or create a new hashtable with only the filtered entries:

# *In-place* Updating of the hashtable.
# Remove entries other than the ones matching the specified keys.
# Note: The @(...) around $ht.Keys is needed to clone the keys collection before
# enumeration, so that you don't get an error about modifying a collection
# while it is being enumerated.
foreach ($key in @($ht.Keys)) { 
  if ($key -notin 'one', 'two') { $ht.Remove($key) } 

# Create a *new* hashtable with only the filtered entries.
# By accessing the original's .Keys collection, the need for @(...) is obviated.
$htNew = $ht.Clone()
foreach ($key in $ht.Keys) { 
  if ($key -notin 'one', 'two') { $htNew.Remove($key) }

As an aside:

The default output format for [System.Collections.DictionaryEntry] (and thus hashtables ([System.Collections.Hashtable]) uses column name Name rather than Key; Name is defined as an alias property of Key added by PowerShell (it is not part of the [System.Collections.DictionaryEntry].NET type definition; verify with
@{ one = 1 }.GetEnumerator() | Get-Member).

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mklement0 Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 19:10
