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How can I employ "if exists" for creating or dropping an index in MySQL?

I was wondering if there's a way to check if an index exists before creating it or destroying it on MySQL. It appears that there was a feature request for this a few years back, but I can't find any documentation for a solution. This needs to be done in a PHP app using MDB2.

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Paul Avatar asked Mar 19 '10 19:03


People also ask

How do I create a drop index in MySQL?

To drop a non-primary key index, use the DROP INDEX command: DROP INDEX index_name ON table_name; The syntax requires the table name to be specified because MySQL allows index names to be reused on multiple tables.

How do you check index is created or not MySQL?

Check INFORMATION_SCHEMA first. SELECT COUNT(1) IndexIsThere FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA. STATISTICS WHERE table_schema=DATABASE() AND table_name='mytable' AND index_name='index_name'; If IndexIsThere is 0, you can create in the index.

Does dropping a column drop the index?

If columns are dropped from a table, the columns are also removed from any index of which they are a part. If all columns that make up an index are dropped, the index is dropped as well.

4 Answers

Here is my 4 liner:

set @exist := (select count(*) from information_schema.statistics where table_name = 'table' and index_name = 'index' and table_schema = database());
set @sqlstmt := if( @exist > 0, 'select ''INFO: Index already exists.''', 'create index i_index on tablename ( columnname )');
PREPARE stmt FROM @sqlstmt;
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Nikhil S Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 09:10

Nikhil S

IF EXISTS modifier is not built for DROP INDEX or CREATE INDEX yet. But you can check manually for the existence before creating/dropping an index.

Use this sentence to check whether the index already exists.

SHOW INDEX FROM table_name WHERE KEY_NAME = 'index_name'
  • If the query returns zero (0) then the index does not exists, then you can create it.
  • If the query returns a positive number, then the index exists, then you can drop it.
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Pablo Venturino Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 09:10

Pablo Venturino

Here is a DROP INDEX IF EXISTS procedure:


DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS drop_index_if_exists $$
CREATE PROCEDURE drop_index_if_exists(in theTable varchar(128), in theIndexName varchar(128) )
 IF((SELECT COUNT(*) AS index_exists FROM information_schema.statistics WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = DATABASE() and table_name =
theTable AND index_name = theIndexName) > 0) THEN
   SET @s = CONCAT('DROP INDEX ' , theIndexName , ' ON ' , theTable);
   PREPARE stmt FROM @s;
   EXECUTE stmt;
END $$


This code was created based on the procedure from here: Determining if MySQL table index exists before creating

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Datageek Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 09:10


I tweaked answers found here and else where to come up with the following sprocs for dropping & creating indexes. Note that the AddTableIndex sproc can drop the index if need be. They also accept a schema name which was critical for my uses.


DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS migrate.DropTableIndex //

CREATE PROCEDURE migrate.DropTableIndex
        in schemaName varchar(128) -- If null use name of current schema;
        , in tableName varchar(128) -- If null an exception will be thrown.
        , in indexName varchar(128) -- If null an exception will be thrown.
    SET schemaName = coalesce(schemaName, schema());
    IF((SELECT COUNT(*) AS index_exists FROM information_schema.statistics WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = schemaName and table_name = tableName AND index_name = indexName) > 0) THEN
        SET @s = CONCAT('DROP INDEX `' , indexName , '` ON `' , schemaName, '`.`', tableName, '`');
        PREPARE stmt FROM @s;
        EXECUTE stmt;
    END IF;
END //

DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS migrate.AddTableIndex//

CREATE PROCEDURE migrate.AddTableIndex
        IN schemaName varchar(128) -- If null use name of current schema;
        , IN tableName varchar(128) -- If null an exception will be thrown.
        , IN indexName varchar(128) -- If null an exception will be thrown.
        , IN indexDefinition varchar(1024) -- E.g. '(expireTS_ ASC)'
        , IN ifPresent ENUM('leaveUnchanged', 'dropAndReplace') -- null=leaveUnchanged.
        , OUT outcome tinyint(1) -- 0=unchanged, 1=replaced, 4=added.

    DECLARE doDrop tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL;
    DECLARE doAdd tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL;
    DECLARE tmpSql varchar(4096) DEFAULT '';

    SET schemaName = coalesce(schemaName, schema());
    SET ifPresent = coalesce(ifPresent, 'leaveUnchanged');
    IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM   INFORMATION_SCHEMA.STATISTICS WHERE  table_schema = schemaName AND table_name = tableName AND index_name = indexName) THEN
        IF (ifPresent = 'leaveUnchanged') THEN
            SET doDrop = 0;
            SET doAdd = 0;
            SET outcome = 0;
            ELSEIF (ifPresent = 'dropAndReplace')
            SET doDrop = 1;
            SET doAdd = 1;
            SET outcome = 1;
        END IF;
        SET doDrop = 0;
        SET doAdd = 1;
        SET outcome = 4;
    END IF;

    IF (doDrop = 1) THEN
        SET tmpSql = concat( 'alter table `', schemaName, '`.`', tableName, '` drop index `', indexName, '` ');
        SET @sql = tmpSql;
        PREPARE tmp_stmt FROM @sql;
        EXECUTE tmp_stmt;
        DEALLOCATE PREPARE tmp_stmt;
    END IF;

    IF (doAdd = 1) THEN
        SET tmpSql = concat( 'alter table `', schemaName, '`.`', tableName, '` add index `', indexName, '` (', indexDefinition, ')');
        SET @sql = tmpSql;
        PREPARE tmp_stmt FROM @sql;
        EXECUTE tmp_stmt;
        DEALLOCATE PREPARE tmp_stmt;
    END IF;


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Thomas Paine Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 09:10

Thomas Paine