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How can I easily copy an immutable struct in swift, varying only some fields [Like kotlin dataclass copy method]?

I have a swift struct somewhat like this:

struct LogicalState {
  let a: String?
  let b: Bool
  let c: Int

and a mutable instance of this state. Note the properties within the state are all let, so the struct itself is immutable.

var _state: LogicalState

What I'd like to do is enforce a pattern where updating the state is allowed, but all updates must be atomic - I do NOT want to simply make a, b, and c mutable, as that would allow a and b to change independently. I need to control the updates and apply validation (for example, to enforce that if you change a, you also must change b at the same time)

I can do this by simply overwriting the whole struct

_state = LogicalState(a: "newA", b: false, c: _state.c)

However, as you can see, having to explicitly reference the old state for the properties that don't change (_state.c) is annoying and problematic, especially when you have more properties. My real-world example has something like 10.

In kotlin, they have "data classes" which expose a "copy" method, which lets you change only the parameters you want. If swift supported such a thing, the syntax would look like this

func copy(a: String? = self.a, b:Bool = self.b, c:Int = self.c) ...

The problem is, the = self.a syntax doesn't exist in swift, and I'm not sure of what other options I have?

Any solution on how to solve this would be much appreciated

like image 499
Orion Edwards Avatar asked May 13 '18 23:05

Orion Edwards

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Are structs immutable in Swift?

Yep, you're right, structs are not immutable. The thing about structs is that they are values. That means every variable is considered a copy, and its members are isolated from changes made to other variables. Structs are not copied on mutation.

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Unlike other programming languages, Swift doesn't require you to create separate interface and implementation files for custom structures and classes. In Swift, you define a structure or class in a single file, and the external interface to that class or structure is automatically made available for other code to use.

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In Swift, structs are value types whereas classes are reference types. When you copy a struct, you end up with two unique copies of the data. When you copy a class, you end up with two references to one instance of the data. It's a crucial difference, and it affects your choice between classes or structs.

1 Answers

Think, you can extend the struct with a copy(...) method taking nil values as default and replacing them with instance ones while using non-nil otherwise. E.g. something like this:

extension LogicalState {
    func copy(a: String? = nil, b: Bool? = nil, c: Int? = nil) -> LogicalState {
        return LogicalState(a: a ?? self.a, b: b ?? self.b, c: c ?? self.c)

So you can use it to copy instance while varying the needed params:

let state = LogicalState(a: "A", b: false, c: 10)
let stateCopy1 = state.copy(c: 30)
let stateCopy2 = state.copy(a: "copy 2")
like image 57
Mikhail Churbanov Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 07:09

Mikhail Churbanov