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how can i do sessions in java if some one disables cookies in my browser?

I like to know if someone disables the cookies in my browser then cookies dont work for my browser then how can I do sessions in java. I am writing servlets for server side programming. Then how does my sessions work? How does it recognize the user? As JSESSION ID is stored in cookies...

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giri Avatar asked Jan 14 '10 16:01


People also ask

How do I manage session if cookies are disabled?

config file that configures session state to use cookieless session identifiers. first of all session never stored at clinet side. only session id is been mentained which are in cookies and only when cookies are not disabled. If cookies are disabled at client side then we can shared sessionID through URL(query string).

How do you handle sessions without cookies?

The HTTP POST method provides an alternative to cookies to maintain session state. The HTTP POST method provides the same state information as would a cookie but has the advantage that it works even when cookies are not available. This method is not common in practice, but it is a good example to learn from.

Does session depend on cookies?

Sessions are cookies dependent, whereas Cookies are not dependent on Session. The session ends when the user closes the browser or logout from the application, whereas Cookies expire at the set time. A session can store as much data as a user want, whereas Cookies have a limited size of 4KB.

What if cookies are disabled?

Both sessions and normal cookies are normal cookies. If a user does not accept cookies, he cannot use any of the functionality enabled by them. Which means pretty much the whole internet would break for that user, which is why in this day and age there's virtually nobody who has cookies disabled entirely.

1 Answers

See HttpServletResponse encodeURL() and encodeRedirectURL().

These functions will rewrite your URLs appropriately to include the session information if the browser doesn't support cookies. Depending on what Java web framework you're using, these functions may be called automatically (as long as you use the framework's methods for writing URLs).

Note that this may not be desirable in all cases, due to the security and caching implications of making the session ID visible in the links. This page summarizes the issues much better than I can in this short space, and provides a way to disable this feature.

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ZoogieZork Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 10:10
