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How can I disable web support in Flutter?


People also ask

How do I add web support to flutter?

First, open your Github account and create a new Repository your favorite name. git add . After this, Your Flutter project web build will be Uploaded in your Github repo. Now, we just have to change some settings of your Github Repository to Deploy the Web App.

Does flutter work on web?

Flutter's web support delivers the same experiences on the web as on mobile. Building on the portability of Dart, the power of the web platform and the flexibility of the Flutter framework, you can now build apps for iOS, Android, and the browser from the same codebase.

I recently ran this command to try web support out in Flutter:

flutter config --enable-web 

Now, every project I make has a web folder and inside is an index.html. Is there any way I can disable that for future projects and is it safe for me to just delete the folder and carry on?