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How can I determine if a dynamically-created DOM element has been added to the DOM?




According to spec, only the BODY and FRAMESET elements provide an "onload" event to attach to, but I would like to know when a dynamically-created DOM element has been added to the DOM in JavaScript.

The super-naive heuristics I am currently using, which work, are as follows:

  • Traverse the parentNode property of the element back until I find the ultimate ancestor (i.e. parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.etc until parentNode is null)

  • If the ultimate ancestor has a defined, non-null body property

    • assume the element in question is part of the dom
  • else

    • repeat these steps again in 100 milliseconds

What I am after is either confirmation that what I am doing is sufficient (again, it is working in both IE7 and FF3) or a better solution that, for whatever reason, I have been completely oblivious to; perhaps other properties I should be checking, etc.

EDIT: I want a browser-agnostic way of doing this, I don't live in a one-browser world, unfortunately; that said, browser-specific information is appreciated, but please note which browser you know that it does work in. Thanks!

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Jason Bunting Avatar asked Oct 20 '08 22:10

Jason Bunting

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1 Answers

UPDATE: For anyone interested in it, here is the implementation I finally used:

function isInDOMTree(node) {    // If the farthest-back ancestor of our node has a "body"    // property (that node would be the document itself),     // we assume it is in the page's DOM tree.    return !!(findUltimateAncestor(node).body); } function findUltimateAncestor(node) {    // Walk up the DOM tree until we are at the top (parentNode     // will return null at that point).    // NOTE: this will return the same node that was passed in     // if it has no ancestors.    var ancestor = node;    while(ancestor.parentNode) {       ancestor = ancestor.parentNode;    }    return ancestor; } 

The reason I wanted this is to provide a way of synthesizing the onload event for DOM elements. Here is that function (although I am using something slightly different because I am using it in conjunction with MochiKit):

function executeOnLoad(node, func) {    // This function will check, every tenth of a second, to see if     // our element is a part of the DOM tree - as soon as we know     // that it is, we execute the provided function.    if(isInDOMTree(node)) {       func();    } else {       setTimeout(function() { executeOnLoad(node, func); }, 100);    } } 

For an example, this setup could be used as follows:

var mySpan = document.createElement("span"); mySpan.innerHTML = "Hello world!"; executeOnLoad(mySpan, function(node) {     alert('Added to DOM tree. ' + node.innerHTML); });  // now, at some point later in code, this // node would be appended to the document document.body.appendChild(mySpan);  // sometime after this is executed, but no more than 100 ms after, // the anonymous function I passed to executeOnLoad() would execute 

Hope that is useful to someone.

NOTE: the reason I ended up with this solution rather than Darryl's answer was because the getElementById technique only works if you are within the same document; I have some iframes on a page and the pages communicate between each other in some complex ways - when I tried this, the problem was that it couldn't find the element because it was part of a different document than the code it was executing in.

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Jason Bunting Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 00:09

Jason Bunting