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How can I determine disk space in MATLAB



Is there any function in MATLAB that determine free disk space? I have made a temporal function that uses MS-DOS dir command and parses the last line of its output. I think it's working as expected but I guess (1) it won't work in other systems (OS X, Linux, Unix, etx.) and (2) can also fail in different Windows versions. Perhaps someone could improve it to make it more generic? Thanks

The code:

function out = freediskspace
    [~,d] = dos('dir');
    C = textscan(d,'%s','Delimiter','\n'); C = C{1}{end};
    C = strrep(C,',','');
    r = regexp(C,'\d+','match');
    out = str2double(r{2});
like image 668
Celdor Avatar asked May 05 '16 07:05


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Accepted Answer disk: 2 GB for MATLAB only, 4–6 GB for a typical installation. memory: 2 GB, or 4 GB if you use Simulink.

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1 Answers

You can use a Java call (this works on both Linux and Windows - I have not checked OSX but it should be fine).

function free = getFreeSpace(path)

    if nargin < 1 || isempty(path)
        path= '.';

    free = java.io.File(path).getFreeSpace();


For example,

>> f = getFreeSpace('C:\')
f =
like image 187
Chris Taylor Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 16:10

Chris Taylor