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how can i detect hebrew characters both iso8859-8 and utf8 in a string using php





I want to be able to detect (using regular expressions) if a string contains hebrew characters both utf8 and iso8859-8 in the php programming language. thanks!

like image 866
ufk Avatar asked Nov 07 '09 20:11


3 Answers

Here's map of the iso8859-8 character set. The range E0 - FA appears to be reserved for Hebrew. You could check for those characters in a character class:


For UTF-8, the range reserved for Hebrew appears to be 0591 to 05F4. So you could detect that with:


Here's an example of a regex match in PHP:

echo preg_match("/[\u0591-\u05F4]/", $string);
like image 133
Andomar Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 16:09


well if your PHP file is encoded with UTF-8 as should be in cases that you have hebrew in it, you should use the following RegX:

echo preg_match("/\p{Hebrew}/u", $string);
// output: 1
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talsibony Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 16:09


Here's a small function to check whether the first character in a string is in hebrew:

function IsStringStartsWithHebrew($string)
    return (strlen($string) > 1 && //minimum of chars for hebrew encoding
        ord($string[0]) == 215 && //first byte is 110-10111
        ord($string[1]) >= 144 && ord($string[1]) <= 170 //hebrew range in the second byte.

good luck :)

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Roey Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 16:09
