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How can I describe a table in Oracle without using the DESCRIBE command?

I'm having a hard time with a class I am taking. We need to write an Oracle script that will act just like the DESCRIBE command. The book we are using describes how to work with the Data Dictionary very poorly. Not looking for answers, but a point in the correct direction.

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patricksweeney Avatar asked Mar 24 '12 20:03


People also ask

How do you get the description of a table in Oracle?

For a list of tables in the current schema, use the Show Tables command. For a list of views in the current schema, use the Show Views command. For a list of available schemas, use the Show Schemas command. If the table or view is in a particular schema, qualify it with the schema name.

Which command is used for the table definition in Oracle?

Syntax. DESC[RIBE] {[schema.] object[@db_link]} Lists the column definitions for the specified table, view or synonym, or the specifications for the specified function or procedure.

How do you DESC a table in SQL?

[DESCRIBE | DESC] TABLE{name}[ TYPE = (STAGE | COLUMNS) ]; Here, the {name} defines an identifier for the particular table mentioned to describe it. We can enclose the whole string using double quotes which are case-sensitive when the identifier includes spaces or special characters.

Which command is used to describe any table?

Since in database we have tables, that's why we use DESCRIBE or DESC(both are same) command to describe the structure of a table. Syntax: DESCRIBE one; OR DESC one; Note : We can use either DESCRIBE or DESC(both are Case Insensitive).

1 Answers

You're looking for USER_TAB_COLUMNS - all the columns, and their descriptions in the schema the query is executed in - or ALL_TAB_COLUMNS - the same except for all tables that user has permission to view.

A typical query might be:

select *   from user_tab_columns  where table_name = 'MY_TABLE'  order by column_id 

column_id is the "order" of the column in the table.

You should ensure that 'MY_TABLE' is capitalised unless you've been adding tables with casing ( a bad idea ) in which case you need to use something like = "MyTable".

Specifically desc is equivalent to the following which I stole from ss64, a good Oracle resource:

select column_name as "Name"      , nullable as "Null?"      , concat(concat(concat(data_type,'('),data_length),')') as "Type"   from user_tab_columns  where table_name = 'MY_TABLE'; 

You can find all of this sort of view by select * from dictionary, which is the top level of the data dictionary or by looking at the documentation.

There is also the DBA_TAB_COLUMNS, which is the same as ALL_TAB_COLUMNS, but for every table in the database. This assumes that you have the privileges to view both it and the tables. If you do not have access to this table you need to get your DBA to grant you the SELECT ANY DICTIONARY privilege.

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Ben Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 00:10
