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How can I delete a RabbitMq exchange?



I can easily delete queues, like this:

rabbitmqadmin delete queue name='MyQ'

However, I cannot find a way to delete exchanges. What am I missing?

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AlexC Avatar asked Jun 16 '16 19:06


People also ask

How do I delete a RabbitMQ queue?

A queue can be deleted from the RabbitMQ Management Interface. Enter the queue tab and go to the bottom of the page. You will find a dropdown "Delete / Purge". Press Delete to the left to delete the queue.

How do I clean up my RabbitMQ broker?

With RabbitMQ cleaning up, the broker is usually very simple. You can use the built-in RabbitMQ Management Console (rabbitmqctl) and issue the following commands: Attention: This not only cleans the queue, it actually deletes them. Read more about the command line tool for managing a RabbitMQ broker here.

How do I use the RabbitMQ management interface?

The web-based UI can be used via the RabbitMQ Management Interface, a queue policy can be added or a script can be used via rabbitmqadmin or HTTP API curl. A script or a queue policy is recommended to delete multiple queues.

What are the features of the RabbitMQ message queuing system?

Following are the features of the RabbitMQ message queuing system: Open-source: RabbitMQ was created as an open-source project by Cohesive FT, LShift, and LTD. Pivotal Software Inc. owns it, and it is distributed under the Mozilla Public License.

1 Answers

./rabbitmqadmin  delete exchange  name='myexchange'
exchange deleted
like image 161
Gabriele Santomaggio Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 17:09

Gabriele Santomaggio