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How can I debug a stored procedure running from a Service Broker queue in SQL Server 2008?

I have a table with a complex trigger that eventually calls the Service Broker to run a stored procedure with a parameter that is a table (custom type).

I can "step into" the INSERT and the trigger, but I can't step into the service broker stored procedure, as it runs async as far as I understand.

Is there any way to tap into the stored procedure that the Service Broker runs and debug it?


like image 699
Dor Rotman Avatar asked Dec 28 '22 13:12

Dor Rotman

1 Answers

To debug it (using the management studio debugger) you could alter the queue to set activation off.

ALTER QUEUE queue_name 

run the insert statement then run & debug the activation procedure manually just like you would with any stored procedure. This way there will be something in the queue while you debug. Then when finished use STATUS = ON to restore activation.

like image 186
Russell Hart Avatar answered Dec 31 '22 13:12

Russell Hart