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How can I debug a Java Google App Engine app in IDEA while using the GAE Maven plugin?

I have set up my pom.xml like so, and it appears to be working for the most part, I can start the devserver and update the application.

My problem is that I can't seem to debug the devserver. I tried launching the devserver maven goal in debug mode from within IDEA, but when I set breakpoints they are ignored.

I found in the GAE Maven plugin docs that you can launch the devserver in debug mode with the following configuration:


However I don't know how to tell IDEA to connect the debugger when I start the Maven Run/Debug configuration.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

like image 218
sanity Avatar asked Sep 08 '13 14:09


People also ask

How do I run a program locally in Intellij?

From the main menu, select Run | Edit Configurations. and select the configuration type that corresponds to the application server that you will use. Use a Local application server run configuration if you want it to start the server locally before deploying the artifacts.

1 Answers

The configuration mentioned in your question looks good. So, you have:

  1. When you run your Maven build

    mvn appengine:devserver

    at some point it halts and waits for the remote debugger to connect.

  2. In IDEA, go to Run > Edit Configurations... and add a new Remote configuration.

  3. Give it a name and check parameters (especially the port).enter image description here
  4. Click OK
  5. Run the debugger with Run > Debug '<name of your config>' (Shift-F9)
like image 83
Moritz Petersen Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 14:09

Moritz Petersen