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How can I CVS-commit a binary file from command line?

I need to commit a jar file in binary mode from the command line.

What command should I use? The following does not work:

$ cvs commit -kb -m "Committing v2.5.7" myJar.jar
Usage: cvs commit [-Rlf] [-m msg | -F logfile] [-r rev] files...
-R          Process directories recursively.
-l          Local directory only (not recursive).
-f          Force the file to be committed; disables recursion.
-F logfile  Read the log message from file.
-m msg      Log message.
-r rev      Commit to this branch or trunk revision.
like image 776
Zaid Avatar asked Oct 25 '11 18:10


People also ask

What is cvs commit?

cvs commit Put your changes in CVS The commit command is used to place the changes you made to files in your local working directory back into the CVS repository.

How do I undo a commit in cvs?

cvs export the 'old version' by tag (or you could do it by date) into a new folder. ensure the 'current version' is checked out, updated, and live. copy the files from the old version into the folder with the current version. commit the result with a suitable comment.

1 Answers

cvs add -kb myJar.jar
cvs commit -m "Committing v2.5.7" myJar.jar

If you've already committed it without -kb, you can use

cvs admin -kb myJar.jar

You can also use CVSROOT/cvswrappers to specify that all *.jar files are binary.

like image 156
Keith Thompson Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 18:09

Keith Thompson