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How can I create pivot table in SAS?



I have three columns in a dataset: spend, age_bucket, and multiplier. The data looks something like...

spend   age_bucket  multiplier
10      18-24        2x
120     18-24        2x
1       35-54        3x

I'd like a dataset with the columns as the age buckets, the rows as the multipliers, and the entries as the sum (or other aggregate function) of the spend column. Is there a proc to do this? Can I accomplish it easily using proc SQL?

like image 537
Demetri Pananos Avatar asked Oct 05 '16 13:10

Demetri Pananos

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How do you create a table in SAS?

You can create a new table without rows by using the CREATE TABLE statement to define the columns and their attributes. You can specify a column's name, type, length, informat, format, and label. The table NewStates has three columns and 0 rows. The char(2) modifier is used to change the length for State.

Can SAS create a pivot table in Excel?

You can use SAS data sets or OLAP cubes to create a PivotTable report. You can customize the PivotTable report by using the PivotTable toolbar in Excel. For more information about PivotTable reports, see the Microsoft Excel Help.

How do you create a pivot table in SAS?

In simple terms creating a pivot table is similar to creating a cross-tab report in SAS using PROC Tabulate or PROC Report – tabular data are summarized with one (or more) variable in the table becoming rows in the report, and one (or more) variables becoming columns in the report.

1 Answers

There are a few ways to do this.

data have;
input spend   age_bucket $ multiplier $;

10      18-24        2x
120     18-24        2x
1       35-54        3x
10      35-54        2x

proc summary data=have;
var spend;
class age_bucket multiplier;
output out=temp sum=;

First you can use PROC SUMMARY to calculate the aggregation, sum in this case, for the variable in question. The CLASS statement gives you things to sum by. This will calculate the N-Way sums and the output data set will contain them all. Run the code and look at data set temp.

Next you can use PROC TRANSPOSE to pivot the table. We need to use a BY statement so a PROC SORT is necessary. I also filter to the aggregations you care about.

proc sort data=temp(where=(_type_=3));
by multiplier;

proc transpose data=temp out=want(drop=_name_);
by multiplier;
var spend;
id age_bucket;
idlabel age_bucket;

In traditional mode 35-54 is not a valid SAS variable name. SAS will convert your columns to proper names. The label on the variable will retain the original value. Just be aware if you need to reference the variable later, the name has changed to be valid.

enter image description here

like image 187
DomPazz Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 23:10
