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How can I create a random number between two numbers in Perl



I've seen many other ways to do this in other programming languages... Though I havent found one in Perl yet...

What I want to accomplish is to set two numbers:

$minimum = 100;
$maximum = 4000;

Then to create a random integer between those two. (whole number) ($random_num)

I've looked into this site: http://perlmeme.org/howtos/perlfunc/rand_function.html

Which is a good resource, although does not do exactly that.

like image 886
Ilan Kleiman Avatar asked Feb 16 '14 02:02

Ilan Kleiman

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1 Answers

my $x = $minimum + int(rand($maximum - $minimum));


Note this range excludes $maximum itself. Add 1 to make it inclusive.

like image 127
TypeIA Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 21:09
