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How can I create a new file with a simple way in spacemacs?



Currently, I know that I can create a new file with the following ways:

  • c key in Neotree
  • SPC ' in shell layer, and use the touch xxx command

I am wondering whether there is a simple way (something like SPC f xxx) or not.


like image 957
user2331095 Avatar asked Feb 21 '16 02:02


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I used Spacemacs for two weeks at work as my main editor. The Vim layer was great for my normal Vim editing and movement commands, so I was happy with that side of things. The file and project management features are full-featured and fast, I felt comfortable using them almost right away.

1 Answers

Yes, you can use SPC f f, enter the name of the new file and then select the line starting with [?] (which is the default if no other file matches).

Note you can also use this to create files in non-existing subfolders, like SPC f f my/sub/folder/file.txt RET.

like image 183
StreakyCobra Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 11:10
