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How can I create a multilingual android application?

I would like to create a multilingual android application.

Is there a way to detect what language the user prefers?

Is there a recommended way to manage multiple languages on Android or should I reinvent the wheel?

like image 671
clamp Avatar asked Nov 23 '10 17:11


People also ask

What are the three languages are used to make Android applications?

1. What language are Android apps written in? The majority of Android apps are written in Java and Kotlin. In some cases, programming languages like C, C++, and Basic are also used.

What languages are Android apps written in?

Java was the default language to write Android apps since the Android platform was introduced in 2008. Java is an object-oriented programming language that was originally developed by Sun Microsystems in 1995 (now, it is owned by Oracle).

2 Answers

Yes, there is a recommended way to manage multiple languages

Multilanguage support is easy done for android. Create a new values directory for the language with the suffix of the language code. For german: values-de or french: values-fr than copy your string.xml into that and translate each entry. Thats all you need.

Do android support multiple languages?

Providing you follow the recommendations, detecting which language the user prefers is automatic.

Have a read of this:


like image 89
Colin Pickard Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 13:09

Colin Pickard

In Activity file

public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {     String languageToLoad="en";      switch (item.getItemId()) {         case R.id.eng:              languageToLoad = "en";             break;         case R.id.hn:             languageToLoad = "hi";             break;          case R.id.te:             languageToLoad = "te";             break;          case R.id.ta:             languageToLoad = "ta";             break;          case R.id.ka:             languageToLoad = "kan";             break;          case R.id.ml:             languageToLoad = "ml";             break;          case R.id.mr:             languageToLoad = "mr";             break;          default:             break;     }           Locale locale = new Locale(languageToLoad);     Locale.setDefault(locale);     Configuration config = new Configuration();     config.locale = locale;     getResources().updateConfiguration(config,getResources().getDisplayMetrics());   } 

In res\menu\menus.xml

<menu xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" xmlns:app="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res-auto" xmlns:tools="http://schemas.android.com/tools" tools:context="com.example.connect.OrderProcess">         <item             android:title="Language"             app:showAsAction="never">             <menu>                 <item                     android:id="@+id/eng"                     android:title="English"/>                 <item                     android:id="@+id/hn"                     android:title="Hindi"/>                 <item                     android:id="@+id/te"                     android:title="Telugu"/>                 <item                     android:id="@+id/ta"                     android:title="Tamil"/>                 <item                     android:id="@+id/ka"                     android:title="Kannada"/>                 <item                     android:id="@+id/ml"                     android:title="Malayalam"/>                 <item                     android:id="@+id/mr"                     android:title="Marathi"/>             </menu>         </item>    </menu> 

AND Create folder and file

res\values\string.xml (English)

res\values-hi\string.xml (Hindi)

res\values-kan\string.xml (Kannada)

res\values-te\string.xml (Telugu)

res\values-ta\string.xml (Tamil)


res\values-mr\string.xml (Marathi)

In string.xml (Hindi)

 <resources>  <string name="email">ईमेल</string> <string name="password">पासवर्ड </string>  </resources> 
like image 32
Kishor N R Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 13:09

Kishor N R