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How can I count each UDP packet sent out by subprocesses?

I have a Python application which orchestrates calls to an underlying process. The processes are called using subprocess.check_output and they make SNMP calls to remote network devices.

For performance monitoring, I would like to count the number of sent SNMP packets which are transmitted. I am primarily interested in the count of the packets. Packet size of request/response would be interesting too, but less important. The aim is to have an idea on the firewall stress this application causes.

So, for the sake of argument, let's assume the following silly application:

from subprocess import check_output
output = check_output(['snmpget', '-v2c', '-c', 'private', '', ''])

This would cause a new UDP packet to be sent out on port 161.

How can I count them in such a case?

Here's another version with stubbed functions (could also be a context manager):

from subprocess import check_call

def start_monitoring():

def stop_monitoring():
    return 0

check_call(['snmpget', '-v2c', '-c', 'private', '', ''])
check_call(['snmpget', '-v2c', '-c', 'private', '', ''])
check_call(['snmpget', '-v2c', '-c', 'private', '', ''])
num_connections = stop_monitoring()
assert num_connections == 3

In this contrived example, it will obviously be 3 calls, as I manually execute the SNMP calls. But in the practical example, the number of SNMP calls is not equal to calls to the subprocess. Sometimes one or more GETs are executed, sometimes it's simple walks (that is, a lot of sequential UDP requests) sometimes it's bulk walks (an unknown amount of requests).

So I can't simply monitor the amount of times the application is called. I really have to monitor the UDP requests.

Is something like that even possible? If yes, how?

It's likely important to know that this runs on Linux as non-root user. But all subprocesses run as the same user.

like image 540
exhuma Avatar asked Nov 03 '16 15:11


People also ask

How many UDP packets can be sent per second?

To begin, try a value within the range 50,000 to 150,000 packets per second. Select an initial value based on capacity of the receiving CPUs to handle NIC interrupts. To reduce average latency, try raising the value. If the number of packets overwhelms any receiver, try a lower value.

How often do UDP packets arrive out of order?

While UDP does deliver packets reliably 98-99% of the time, without duplicating packets 99.9% of the time, and in-order 99.9% of the time, there is absolutely no guarantee for either of these (in fact you are expected to be prepared for all of these), and reality verifiably doesn't look 100% perfect all the time.

Can UDP packets be sent out of order?

UDP Traffic: Out-of-order packets can also be caused by UDP traffic. This issue occurs primarily due to stateless connections and the lack of flow control mechanisms that exist within UDP protocol.

How much data can UDP send?

A UDP datagram is carried in a single IP packet and is hence limited to a maximum payload of 65,507 bytes for IPv4 and 65,527 bytes for IPv6. The transmission of large IP packets usually requires IP fragmentation.

2 Answers

This might help you:


The tcpdumplike.stp prints out a line for each TCP & UDP packet received. Each line includes the source and destination IP addresses, the source and destination ports, and flags.

The code is not written in python but converting it is no big deal.

like image 194
Vin Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 20:09


Following this answer, this github repo via yet another answer, I came up with the following implementation of a UDP Proxy/Relay:

#!/usr/bin/env python

from collections import namedtuple
from contextlib import contextmanager
from random import randint
from time import sleep
import logging
import socket
import threading

import snmp

MSG_DONTWAIT = 0x40  # from socket.h
LOCK = threading.Lock()

Statistics = namedtuple('Statistics', 'msgtype packet_size')

def visible_octets(data: bytes) -> str:
    Returns a geek-friendly (hexdump)  output of a bytes object.

    Developer note:
        This is not super performant. But it's not something that's supposed to
        be run during normal operations (mostly for testing and debugging).  So
        performance should not be an issue, and this is less obfuscated than
        existing solutions.


        >>> from os import urandom
        >>> print(visible_octets(urandom(40)))
        99 1f 56 a9 25 50 f7 9b  95 7e ff 80 16 14 88 c5   ..V.%P...~......
        f3 b4 83 d4 89 b2 34 b4  71 4e 5a 69 aa 9f 1d f8   ......4.qNZi....
        1d 33 f9 8e f1 b9 12 e9                            .3......

    from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify

    hexed = hexlify(data).decode('ascii')
    tuples = [''.join((a, b)) for a, b in zip(hexed[::2], hexed[1::2])]
    line = []
    output = []
    ascii_column = []
    for idx, octet in enumerate(tuples):
        # only use printable characters in ascii output
        ascii_column.append(octet if 32 <= int(octet, 16) < 127 else '2e')
        if (idx+1) % 8 == 0:
        if (idx+1) % 8 == 0 and (idx+1) % 16 == 0:
            raw_ascii = unhexlify(''.join(ascii_column))
            raw_ascii = raw_ascii.replace(b'\\n z', b'.')
            ascii_column = []
            output.append('%-50s %s' % (' '.join(line),
            line = []
    raw_ascii = unhexlify(''.join(ascii_column))
    raw_ascii = raw_ascii.replace(b'\\n z', b'.')
    output.append('%-50s %s' % (' '.join(line), raw_ascii.decode('ascii')))
    line = []
    return '\n'.join(output)

def UdpProxy(remote_host, remote_port, queue=None):
    thread = UdpProxyThread(remote_host, remote_port, stats_queue=queue)
    yield thread.local_port

class UdpProxyThread(threading.Thread):

    def __init__(self, remote_host, remote_port, stats_queue=None):
        self.local_port = randint(60000, 65535)
        self.remote_host = remote_host
        self.remote_port = remote_port
        self.daemon = True
        self.log = logging.getLogger('%s.%s' % (
            __name__, self.__class__.__name__))
        self.running = True
        self._socket = None
        self.stats_queue = stats_queue

    def fail(self, reason):
        self.log.debug('UDP Proxy Failure: %s', reason)
        self.running = False

    def prime(self):
        We need to set up a socket on a FREE port for this thread. Retry until
        we find a free port.

        This is used as a separate method to ensure proper locking and to ensure
        that each thread has it's own port

        The port can be retrieved by accessing the *local_port* member of the
        with LOCK:
            while True:
                    self._socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,
                    self._socket.bind(('', self.local_port))
                except OSError as exc:
                    self.log.warning('Port %d already in use. Shuffling...',
                    if exc.errno == 98:  # Address already in use
                        self.local_port = randint(60000, 65535)

    def name(self):
        return 'UDP Proxy Thread {} -> {}:{}'.format(self.local_port,

    def start(self):
        if not self._socket:
            raise ValueError('Socket was not set. Call prime() first!')

    def run(self):
            known_client = None
            known_server = (self.remote_host, self.remote_port)
            self.log.info('UDP Proxy set up: %s -> %s:%s',
                          self.local_port, self.remote_host, self.remote_port)
            while self.running:
                    data, addr = self._socket.recvfrom(32768, MSG_DONTWAIT)
                    self.log.debug('Packet received via %s\n%s', addr,
                except BlockingIOError:
                    sleep(0.1)  # Give self.stop() a chance to trigger
                    if known_client is None:
                        known_client = addr
                    if addr == known_client:
                        self.log.debug('Proxying request packet to %s\n%s',
                                       known_server, visible_octets(data))
                        self._socket.sendto(data, known_server)
                        if self.stats_queue:
                                MSG_TYPE_REQUEST, len(data)))
                        self.log.debug('Proxying response packet to %s\n%s',
                                       known_client, visible_octets(data))
                        self._socket.sendto(data, known_client)
                        if self.stats_queue:
                                MSG_TYPE_RESPONSE, len(data)))
            self.log.info('%s stopped!', self.name)

    def stop(self):
        self.log.debug('Stopping %s...', self.name)
        self.running = False

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from queue import Queue
    stat_queue = Queue()

    with UdpProxy('', 161, stat_queue) as proxied_port:
        print(snmp.get('', '' % proxied_port,
    with UdpProxy('', 161, stat_queue) as proxied_port:
        print(snmp.get('', '' % proxied_port,

    while not stat_queue.empty():
        stat_item = stat_queue.get()

As seen in the __main__ section, it can simply be used as follows:

    from queue import Queue
    stat_queue = Queue()

    with UdpProxy('', 161, stat_queue) as proxied_port:
        print(snmp.get('', '' % proxied_port,

    while not stat_queue.empty():
        stat_item = stat_queue.get()

One thing to note: the snmp module in this case simply executes a subprocess.check_output() to spawn a snmpget subprocess.

like image 44
exhuma Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 20:09
