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How can I copy one collection from MongoDB using pymongo and paste to another empty collection?

  1. I want to copy full collection (e.g. name 'home').
  2. Then do some changes in the 'home' collection or remove doc inside it (not a collection).
  3. And then replace changed 'home' collection to its default state from item 1.

I do next:

db = client["database"]
home = db['home'].find()  # get collection.
db['home'].remove({})  # remove doc from home
for i in home:

But the collection is empty.

like image 799
Vadim Kovrizhkin Avatar asked Sep 30 '16 09:09

Vadim Kovrizhkin

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MongoDB – copyTo() Method In MongoDB, copyTo() method is used to copies all the documents from one collection(Source collection) to another collection(Target collection) using server-side JavaScript and if that other collection(Target collection) is not present then MongoDB creates a new collection with that name.

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In Studio 3T, you can reliably (and easily) copy MongoDB documents and paste them across databases and collections. Download our MongoDB GUI, and let’s get started. 1. Open your source MongoDB collection in Studio 3T and select the documents that you would like to copy – either by selecting the documents themselves or any of their fields.

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2 Answers

The problem with your code example is that find() returns a database cursor to the collection, not all documents in the collection. So when you remove all documents from the home collection, the cursor will also point to an empty collection.

In order to copy a collection to another collection in the same server, you can utilise MongoDB Aggregation operator $match and $out

pipeline = [ {"$match": {}}, 
             {"$out": "destination_collection"},

Using your example code, now you can do

source = db["source_collection"]
destination = db["destination_collection"]

# Remove all documents, or make modifications. 

# Restore documents from the source collection.  
for doc in destination: 
# or instead you can just use the same aggregation method above but reverse the collection name. 

Note : db.collection.copyTo() has been deprecated since MongoDB v3.0.

If you would like to copy to another MongoDB server, you can utilise db.cloneCollection(). In PyMongo it would be a command such below:

db.command("cloneCollection", **{'collection': "databaseName.source_collection", 'from': "another_host:another_port"})

Depending on your overall goal, you may find MongoDB BackUp methods useful.

like image 171
Wan Bachtiar Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 23:10

Wan Bachtiar

This could be the easiest way to do that, I personally prefer it, so you can add as many filters as you like:

from pymongo import MongoClient

def CopyFromColl1ToColl2(database1,collection1,database2,collection2):
    db1 = MongoClient('mongodb://')[database1][collection1]
    db2 = MongoClient('mongodb://')[database2][collection2]
    #here you can put the filters you like.
    for a in db1.find():
            print('did not copy')

# You can choose the database name and the collection name
like image 28
Karam Qusai Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 21:10

Karam Qusai