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How can I convert currency strings to numerical values?

Is there a way to convert currency strings to floating values, for example:

$ 29.10

Should be converted to:


Some currency strings have space between the dollar sign and the dollar value.

I am doing this because I am extracting the cost values from PDFs (which are converted to txt files) and do arithmetic on them. For example, a portion of text file looks like this:

Fixed Power


General Admin Surcharge

$ 29.10

Customer Charge


And my code looks like this:

$sourceFile = Get-Content $sourcePath\$($filenames[0]).txt

$fixedPower = $sourceFile[(
    Select-String `
        -Path $sourcePath\$($filenames[0]).txt `
        -Pattern "Fixed Power" `
).LineNumber + 1]

$generalAdminSurcharge = $sourceFile[(
    Select-String `
        -Path $sourcePath\$($filenames[0]).txt `
        -Pattern "General Admin Surcharge" `
).LineNumber + 1]

$customerCharge = $sourceFile[(
    Select-String `
        -Path $sourcePath\$($filenames[0]).txt `
        -Pattern "Customer Charge" `
).LineNumber + 1]

But those only extract the costs into string values.

like image 522
vxs8122 Avatar asked Jul 18 '14 16:07


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2 Answers

$Test = '$1,138.15','$ 29.10','$2,195.34'

$Test |
 foreach { $_ -replace '[^0-9.]'}


If you want the trailing 0 you'll have to leave it as [string] until you do whaterver calculations you want with it.

like image 104
mjolinor Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 21:09


You could do a Replace to remove whatever extra things you want gone from the string, and then cast it as a [decimal]

[decimal]$customerCharge = $customerCharge -replace "(\$| |,)"

Edit: Of coarse mjolinor beat me to it, and did it better. Man he's good!

like image 27
TheMadTechnician Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 21:09
