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How can I convert a SHA256 hash from integer to string and back?



I would like to store a very large number of SHA256 bit hashes in MySQL. I do not want to store them as VARCHAR(64), but rather as BIGINT. What is the most efficient way to do the conversions in Python? Illustration of the code I want to accomplish:

>>> import hashlib
>>> s = hashlib.sha256("foo").hexdigest()
>>> s
>>> i = int(s, 16)
>>> i

Given i, how do I get back s exactly? I have tried:

>>> hex(i)

This is close but not the same. Thanks!

EDIT: I would like to avoid transforming the hex string like to get rid of the leading 0x and trailing L:

>>> hex(i)[2:-1]

Also if the hash has leading zero bits I'd have to pad zeroes until it's length 64 like:

>>> s = "00000000000000003258ec44ea34c98111234904ef7642608922f9b8b296067d"
>>> i = int(s, 16)
>>> i
>>> h = hex(i)[2:-1]
>>> h
>>> h = "0" * (64 - len(h)) + h

I'd like to avoid the string manipulation.

like image 218
Ben Wilber Avatar asked Feb 13 '23 10:02

Ben Wilber

1 Answers

If you don't like the string representation hex gives you, you can use string formatting instead:

Out[32]: '2c26b46b68ffc68ff99b453c1d30413413422d706483bfa0f98a5e886266e7ae'

edit: string manipulation allows you to specify a minimum width and a fill value, too:

Out[54]: '2c26b46b68ffc68ff99b453c1d30413413422d706483bfa0f98a5e886266e7ae'

s = "00000000000000003258ec44ea34c98111234904ef7642608922f9b8b296067d"

i = int(s,16)

Out[57]: '00000000000000003258ec44ea34c98111234904ef7642608922f9b8b296067d'

Or if you'd like, just use zfill on the first method:

Out[67]: '00000000000000003258ec44ea34c98111234904ef7642608922f9b8b296067d'
like image 76
roippi Avatar answered Feb 16 '23 03:02
