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How can I conditionally use a module in Perl?

I want to do something like this in Perl:

$Module1="ReportHashFile1"; # ReportHashFile1.pm
$Module2="ReportHashFile2"; # ReportHashFile2.pm

  use $Module1;
  use $Module2;

ReportHashFile*.pm contains a package ReportHashFile* .

Also how to reference an array inside module based on dynamic module name?

@Array= @$Module1::Array_inside_module;

Is there anyway I can achieve this. Some sort of compiler directive?

like image 266
Jean Avatar asked Oct 15 '10 19:10


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1 Answers

You might find the if module useful for this.

Otherwise the basic idea is to use require, which happens at run-time, instead of use, which happens at compile-time. Note that '

    my $module = $condition ? $Module1 : $Module2;
    my $file = $module;
    $file =~ s[::][/]g;
    $file .= '.pm';
    require $file;

As for addressing globals, it might be easier if you just exported the variable or a function returning it to the caller, which you could use by its unqualified name. Otherwise there's also the possibility of using a method and calling it as $Module->method_name.

Alternatively, you could use symbolic references as documented in perlref. However, that's usually quite a code smell.

my @array = do {
    no strict 'refs';
    @{ ${ "${Module}::Array_inside_module" } };
like image 123
rafl Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 20:10
