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How can I concatenate static strings with XML string resources?

I'm trying to combine a static "hard coded" string with one referenced from strings.xml for string array items.

The goal is to have a dynamic metrics list where the number is the same for all languages, but the metrics text value may change by language, something like this:

<string-array name="interval_labels">
    <item>30 @string/second</item>
    <item>1 @string/minute</item>
    <item>5 @string/minute</item>
    <item>10 @string/minute</item>
    <item>15 @string/minute</item>
    <item>30 @string/minute</item>
    <item>60 @string/minute</item>

Right now, if I remove the numbers before the @string/... references, it works well (as mentioned here), but I was wondering whether there is a way to retrieve the referenced string and concatenate it to the "hard coded" one.

like image 927
Tõnis Pool Avatar asked Nov 20 '11 18:11

Tõnis Pool

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2 Answers

Sorry, no such syntax is supported by Android resource files.

like image 104
CommonsWare Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 11:11


Using XML entities it's possible.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE resources [
  <!ENTITY mintues "minutes">
  <!ENTITY minute "minute">
  <!ENTITY seconds "seconds">

  <string-array name="interval_labels">
    <item>30 &seconds;</item>
    <item>1 &minute;/item>
    <item>5 &minutes;</item>
    <item>10 &minutes;</item>
    <item>15 &minutes;</item>
    <item>30 &minutes;</item>
    <item>60 &minutes;</item>

I used this answer: dynamic String using String.xml?

like image 22
Andrew Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 12:11
