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How can I compile my Typescript into a single JS file with no module loading system?


I have a small Typescript project of about 10 ts files. I want to compile all my files into es5 and into a single es5 file called all.js.

Currently, with my tsconfig.json set up as

  "compilerOptions": {
    "module": "system",
    "target": "es5",
    "outFile": "./all.js"

everything is getting compiled, but each file is being wrapped by

System.register("SomeTSFile", [], function(exports_4, context_4) {

SystemJS looks cool but I am not in the mood to learn it now and I don't believe it is necessary. If I could get all my JS into one file, that will be perfectly sufficient for my needs.

If I remove "module": "system",from my compiler options, my all.js file comes out completely blank. Apparently, this is because for some reason, you cannot use "modules": none when outputting to one file. (I don't get why)

How can I compile all the TS into one JS file without having to involve SystemJS or any other complications?

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CodyBugstein Avatar asked Sep 07 '16 02:09


People also ask

How do I compile TypeScript automatically?

For the automated compilation of a TypeScript file, we need to add one more line. Here, "Watch" keyword is used to watch any unseen changes or updates in any TypeScript file or a complete working folder. We compile it using TypeScript compiler. You can find the complete code for tsconfig.

How does TypeScript compile to JavaScript?

The TypeScript compiler compiles these files and outputs the JavaScript with . js extension by keeping the same file name as the individual input file. The TypeScript compiler also preserves the original file path, hence the . js output file will be generated where the input file was in the directory structure.

2 Answers

Use triple slash directives for the typescript-compiler (tsc)

Triple-slash references instruct the compiler to include additional files in the compilation process.


/// <reference path="./domHelpers.ts" />

function add(a: number, b: number): number {
    return a + b;

q('#sum').textContent = add(2, 5).toString();


function q(query: string): Element {
    return document.querySelector(query);

function qa(query: string): NodeListOf<Element> {
    return document.querySelectorAll(query);

Build step:

tsc --out bundle.js ts/index.ts

Will produce bundle.js with contents

function q(query) {
    return document.querySelector(query);
function qa(query) {
    return document.querySelectorAll(query);
/// <reference path="./domHelpers.ts" />
function add(a, b) {
    return a + b;
q("#sum").textContent = add(2, 5).toString();
like image 125
Peheje Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 14:10


The contents of your .ts files determines if this is possible or not...

If you avoid turning your TypeScript code a module (by avoiding top-level import or export declarations), the output from single-file compile will not include any dependency on a module loader.

For example: typescript compiler itself is written without any top-level import or export declarations, and thus compiles into a single-file .js without any loader dependency.

Note that its use of export within a namespace is not a "top level" export. Imports inside a namespace are possible but severely limited: an example here

"In TypeScript, just as in ECMAScript 2015, any file containing a top-level import or export is considered a module."

The typescript handbook

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Burt_Harris Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 13:10
