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How can I combine multiple rows into a comma-delimited list in SQL Server? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:
SQL Server: Can I Comma Delimit Multiple Rows Into One Column?

I have Table X(X_ID, X_Name) is 1-M with Table Y(Y_ID, Y_Value)

Table X:

X_ID    X_Name
----    ------
12      foo
14      foo2
16      foo3

Table Y:

X_ID    Y_Value
----    -------
12      A
12      B
14      C
14      D
14      E
16      F
16      G

How to get the following result using T-Sql ?

X_ID   X_Name   Y_Value
----   ------   ------
12     foo      A,B
14     foo2     C,D,E
16     foo3     F,G


like image 368
Costa Avatar asked May 21 '12 15:05


People also ask

How do I combine rows and commas in SQL?

You can concatenate rows into single string using COALESCE method. This COALESCE method can be used in SQL Server version 2008 and higher. All you have to do is, declare a varchar variable and inside the coalesce, concat the variable with comma and the column, then assign the COALESCE to the variable.

How do I add a comma to multiple rows in SQL?

In SSMS you can hold SHIFT+ALT and then select multiple lines with a mouse or go up and down with the arrow/cursor keys to edit across multiple lines, and add the comma.

How do I group multiple rows in SQL?

To arrange similar (identical) data into groups, we use SQL GROUP BY clause. The SQL GROUP BY clause is used along with some aggregate functions to group columns that have the same values in different rows. We generally use the GROUP BY clause with the SELECT statement, WHERE clause, and ORDER BY clauses.

1 Answers

SELECT X.X_ID, X.X_Name, Y_Values = STUFF((SELECT N',' + Y_Value FROM dbo.Y
  FOR XML PATH(''), 
  TYPE).value(N'./text()[1]', N'nvarchar(max)'), 1, 1, N'')
  FROM dbo.X;

In SQL Server 2017 and Azure SQL Database, you can use the new STRING_AGG() function:

SELECT x.X_ID, x.X_Name, 
    Y_Values = STRING_AGG(Y.Y_Value,',')
  FROM dbo.X
  ON X.X_ID = Y.X_ID
  GROUP BY x.X_ID, x.X_Name;

If you don't like the default order, you can specify it using WITHIN GROUP:

SELECT x.X_ID, x.X_Name, 
    Y_Values = STRING_AGG(Y.Y_Value,',') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY Y.Y_Value)
  FROM dbo.X
  ON X.X_ID = Y.X_ID
  GROUP BY x.X_ID, x.X_Name;
like image 170
Aaron Bertrand Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 00:11

Aaron Bertrand