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How can I check if the values of multiple cells are equal?


Let's say I have 6 different cells (that are not all in a line). I want to check if the values in these cells are equal. How could I do this with a function? I'd want the function simply to display "EQUAL" or "NOT EQUAL" (or maybe change the cell background color?).

like image 494
d3pd Avatar asked Jul 31 '15 11:07


2 Answers

One option for 6 cells would be this:

=IF(AND(A1=B2,B2=C3,C3=D4,D4=E5,E5=F6),"EQUAL","NOT EQUAL") 

Another option - this way you don't need to reference the same cell twice:


If you wanted to color some cells if values in these cells are equal, you would need to create a Conditional Formatting rule with a similar formula:

  1. Select the cells you want to color
  2. Format > Conditional Formatting
  3. Select "Custom formula is"
  4. Fill in one of the above formulas without the IF part of formula, e.g.
  5. Select the formatting style (color)
  6. Done
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ZygD Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 19:09


as formula for conditional formatting:


as function it would be similar: =if([formula],"EQUAL","NOT EQUAL"):

update: the requested clarification:

  • put the wanted cells in a custom array {A1,B2,C3,D4,E5,F6}
    (delimiters: , = new column, ; = new row; for countunique either is fine)
  • get the unique values countunique(...)
  • if the outcome is 1 then all values are the same

update 2: original answer used =count(unique(...)) instead of the combined function =countunique(...)

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wivku Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 19:09
