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How can I check if an object exists at a specific position in unity C#?




In this case I am looking to full an empty area with an object but I do not want to place an object there if the area is not empty. This is specifically talking about a cube so I am not sure if the checkSphere() works. I am a beginner and I had a lot of trouble finding an answer to this question so although I know it is probably online I had trouble finding something that explained the code in a way I understood and even finding that code.

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Person Avatar asked Oct 15 '17 17:10


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How do you check if an object is at a specific position unity?

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1 Answers

Try using Physics.OverlapSphere. You can define a sphere at a Vector3 point you'd like to check for ((2, 4, 0) for example). You can give it a low radius (or maybe even 0, but you'd have to check that, I'm not 100% sure if it works).

It returns an array of all colliders that are touching or are inside of the sphere. Just check if the array is empty (or the length is 0) and if it is, nothing is touching it.

You could use it like this:

Collider[] intersecting = Physics.OverlapSphere(new Vector3(2, 4, 0), 0.01f);
if (intersecting.Length == 0) {
    //code to run if nothing is intersecting as the length is 0
} else {
    //code to run if something is intersecting it

or, of course, you could do this:

Collider[] intersecting = Physics.OverlapSphere(new Vector3(2, 4, 0), 0.01);
if (intersecting.Length != 0) {
    //code to run if intersecting

Hope this helps!

EDIT: Here's a function that just returns true if a point intersects with a collider.

bool isObjectHere(Vector3 position)
    Collider[] intersecting = Physics.OverlapSphere(position, 0.01f);
    if (intersecting.Length == 0)
        return false;
        return true;
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Lauren Hinch Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 16:10

Lauren Hinch