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How can I check if a Python unicode string contains non-Western letters?

I have a Python Unicode string. I want to make sure it only contains letters from the Roman alphabet (A through Z), as well as letters commonly found in European alphabets, such as ß, ü, ø, é, à, and î. It should not contain characters from other alphabets (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, Cyrillic, Hebrew, etc.). What's the best way to go about doing this?

Currently I am using this bit of code, but I don't know if it's the best way:

def only_roman_chars(s):
        return True
    except UnicodeDecodeError:
        return False

(I am using Python 2.5. I am also doing this in Django, so if the Django framework happens to have a way to handle such strings, I can use that functionality -- I haven't come across anything like that, however.)

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mipadi Avatar asked Jun 22 '10 15:06


People also ask

How do I check if a string contains a non alphabet in Python?

To check if a string contains only alphabets, use the function isalpha() on the string. isalpha() returns boolean value. The return value is True if the string contains only alphabets and False if not.

How do you check if a string contains any letters in Python?

Using Python's "in" operator The simplest and fastest way to check whether a string contains a substring or not in Python is the "in" operator . This operator returns true if the string contains the characters, otherwise, it returns false .

How do I find the Unicode code in Python?

In Python, the built-in functions chr() and ord() are used to convert between Unicode code points and characters. A character can also be represented by writing a hexadecimal Unicode code point with \x , \u , or \U in a string literal.

Are Python strings Unicode or Ascii?

In Python 3, all strings are sequences of Unicode characters. There is a bytes type that holds raw bytes. This does not distinguish "Unicode or ASCII"; it only distinguishes Python types.

6 Answers

import unicodedata as ud

latin_letters= {}

def is_latin(uchr):
    try: return latin_letters[uchr]
    except KeyError:
         return latin_letters.setdefault(uchr, 'LATIN' in ud.name(uchr))

def only_roman_chars(unistr):
    return all(is_latin(uchr)
           for uchr in unistr
           if uchr.isalpha()) # isalpha suggested by John Machin

>>> only_roman_chars(u"ελληνικά means greek")
>>> only_roman_chars(u"frappé")
>>> only_roman_chars(u"hôtel lœwe")
>>> only_roman_chars(u"123 ångstrom ð áß")
>>> only_roman_chars(u"russian: гага")
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tzot Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 11:09


The top answer to this by @tzot is great, but IMO there should really be a library for this that works for all scripts. So, I made one (heavily based on that answer).

pip install alphabet-detector

and then use it directly:

from alphabet_detector import AlphabetDetector
ad = AlphabetDetector()

ad.only_alphabet_chars(u"ελληνικά means greek", "LATIN") #False
ad.only_alphabet_chars(u"ελληνικά", "GREEK") #True
ad.only_alphabet_chars(u'سماوي يدور', 'ARABIC')
ad.only_alphabet_chars(u'שלום', 'HEBREW')
ad.only_alphabet_chars(u"frappé", "LATIN") #True
ad.only_alphabet_chars(u"hôtel lœwe 67", "LATIN") #True
ad.only_alphabet_chars(u"det forårsaker første", "LATIN") #True
ad.only_alphabet_chars(u"Cyrillic and кириллический", "LATIN") #False
ad.only_alphabet_chars(u"кириллический", "CYRILLIC") #True

Also, a few convenience methods for major languages:

ad.is_cyrillic(u"Поиск") #True  
ad.is_latin(u"howdy") #True
ad.is_cjk(u"hi") #False
ad.is_cjk(u'汉字') #True
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Eli Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 12:09


The standard string package contains all Latin letters, numbers and symbols. You can remove these values from the text and if there is anything left, it is not-Latin characters. I did that:

In [1]: from string import printable                                                                                                                                                                           

In [2]: def is_latin(text): 
   ...:     return not bool(set(text) - set(printable)) 

In [3]: is_latin('Hradec Králové District,,Czech Republic,')                                                                                                                                                   
Out[3]: False

In [4]: is_latin('Hradec Krlov District,,Czech Republic,')                                                                                                                                                     
Out[4]: True

I have no way to check all non-Latin characters and if anyone can do that, please let me know. Thanks.

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Alexander Astashov Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 11:09

Alexander Astashov

For what you say you want to do, your approach is about right. If you are running on Windows, I'd suggest using cp1252 instead of iso-8859-1. You might also allow cp1250 as well -- this would pick up eastern European countries like Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Slovenia, Hungary, Croatia, etc where the alphabet is Latin-based. Other cp125x would include Turkish and Maltese ...

You may also like to consider transcription from Cyrillic to Latin; as far as I know there are several systems, one of which may be endorsed by the UPU (Universal Postal Union).

I'm a little intrigued by your comment "Our shipping department doesn't want to have to fill out labels with, e.g., Chinese addresses" ... three questions: (1) do you mean "addresses in country X" or "addresses written in X-ese characters" (2) wouldn't it be better for your system to print the labels? (3) how does the order get shipped if it fails your test?

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John Machin Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 11:09

John Machin

Checking for ISO-8559-1 would miss reasonable Western characters like 'œ' and '€'. The solution depends on how you define "Western", and how you want to handle non-letters. Here's one approach:

import unicodedata

def is_permitted_char(char):
    cat = unicodedata.category(char)[0]
    if cat == 'L': # Letter
        return 'LATIN' in unicodedata.name(char, '').split()
    elif cat == 'N': # Number
        # Only DIGIT ZERO - DIGIT NINE are allowed
        return '0' <= char <= '9'
    elif cat in ('S', 'P', 'Z'): # Symbol, Punctuation, or Space
        return True
        return False

def is_valid(text):
    return all(is_permitted_char(c) for c in text)
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dan04 Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 10:09


check the code in django.template.defaultfilters.slugify

import unicodedata
value = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', value).encode('ascii', 'ignore')

is what you are looking for, you can then compare the resulting string with the original

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Claude Vedovini Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 12:09

Claude Vedovini