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How can I change the name of my iOS project?




People also ask

How do I change the project name and target name in Xcode?

Select the project from the project navigator to open the project editor and see a list of the app's targets. To rename a target, select it, press the Return key, and enter the new name. If all you want to do is rename the app, you're finished.

How do I rename an iOS app in Xcode?

Xcode displays a project-rename dialog that contains all the items that can be renamed in your project. Leave your application selected in the dialog and deselect all other items as shown in Figure 2, then click Rename to perform the rename operation.

Newer Versions of Xcode

According to the Xcode documentation says that you can select your project in the lefthand panel and then open the properties inspector. By editing the project name, you'll be prompted to renamed targets etc.

enter image description here

Original Answer

I'm not sure exactly what you are asking, so I've given two parts to my answer.

To change the display name of your project, (under the icon on the home screen) you should edit your Info.plist file in the Resources group of your project. Change the Bundle Display Name key. Make sure that you save the plist file and that you've deleted the old app from the simulator. Then, clean your build and then you can build it again to the simulator.

To change the name of your project, target and executable, click on Project -> Rename... in Xcode.

It's simple. Just press enter on name of project. Rename your project as desired. This will prompt changes to be done in entire Project. Click on Rename.

enter image description here

enter image description here

Ap iOS app under construction has at least 6 "names". They can all be different and can be set in different places.

  1. Project name.
  2. Target name.
  3. Product name (which will become the .app bundle file name, should have no spaces).
  4. Bundle display name (in the info.plist, displayed under the icon, spaces allowed).
  5. Bundle ID suffix.
  6. App name you give iTunes Connect.

Depending on what you change, you may need to delete the app from your device/simulator, and reinstall/build-and-run, to quickly see the changes.

Ah, I figured it out already. You need to change the active target.

If you want to change Project Name, Target name, -Info.plist name & -Prefix.pch name then,

    - Select Project in Xcode (.xcodeproj file)
    - Selecte file inspector
    - In identity section change project name which u want to update & press enter
    - After scanning whole project it will ask to change the file names i.e target, plist & pch file
    - Select check boxes as per your need 

In Xcode try the Project | Rename menu command.

See here.