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How can i change sql azure server location

I would like to transfer my existing SQL Azure location to other one, but I think there is no functionality right now to do so on the management portal of Azure.

I just googled it and found one link http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/ssdsgetstarted/thread/e6c961cc-5eea-4f07-82c9-a8805d367b05 that says I need to use the data sync option in Azure's portal but I don't have that feature enabled in my Azure portal.

Also if I do use that option, is there any charge for it? Finally, are there any other option that is possible for moving the SQL Azure location?

like image 984
Arun Rana Avatar asked Nov 08 '11 11:11

Arun Rana

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1 Answers

If you are able to stop writes to the DB for a time then you can use the Copy feature on the Azure Portal.

  1. Create a new SQL Server in the region of your choosing.
  2. Add your service(s) IP addresses to the new SQL Server firewall.
  3. Stop writes to the origin database.
  4. Open the origin database in the Azure Portal and click Copy at the top of the blade.
  5. Choose your new SQL server located in the destination region.
  6. Wait for the copy to complete.
  7. Update your service(s) to point to the destination DB.
  8. Enable DB writes.
  9. Verify everything is working.
  10. Delete origin database (and server if it was the only DB on the server).
like image 168
Micah Zoltu Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 12:09

Micah Zoltu