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How can I change icon theme in Inkscape?

I'm using Inkscape (0.92, installed via pacman) on Linux (Manjaro Gnome) with a dark theme.

It is very hard to see the icons in Inkscape (gray on gray) and therefore I'd like to change the icon theme. I think I should be able to do that by replacing the icons.svg, but unfortunately I don't see any change if I replace the file in /usr/share/inkscape/icons/.

In Inkscape under Preferences -> System there is a setting "Icon theme". But it is just a text box with locations, that cannot be changed.

The text box content looks like this:


I checked all the locations for icon files and tried to add the icons.svg file to some of the locations, with no change after restarting Inkscape.

Is there another way to change the icons? Or how can I find out where my Inkscape installation is getting the icons form?

The issue seems to be similar to this post regarding Ubuntu.

like image 989
jost21 Avatar asked Mar 05 '23 10:03


2 Answers

With Inkscape 1.0 (May 1, 2020) you can go to Edit > Preferences, and then to Interface > Theme to change the icons: enter image description here

Thanks @Moini!

like image 129
Gerhard Burger Avatar answered Mar 09 '23 09:03

Gerhard Burger

It seems that the Gnome Icon theme overwrites the icons theme in the Inkscape .config/inkscape/icons folder.

By using the Gnome tweak tools, you can change the icon theme and some of the themes affect also the icons in Inkscape.

In my case the Gnome icons that affect Inkscape are in /usr/share/icons/<theme-name>/22x22/actions. Unlike the default icons each icon has it's own svg file, and they are not all bundled in a icons.svg file.

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jost21 Avatar answered Mar 09 '23 10:03
