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How can I change GMSMapView padding without moving the map

I'd like to be able change the padding of a GMSMapView without changing the location of a map. Right now, Google Maps iOS SDK changes the map location so that the same point is in center after the padding has been applied. This is different than how the Android SDK works, which just leaves the map as it is.

I've found a slight workaround for this, but it doesn't work consistently. I can calculate what the new center location should be and update the map camera when I change the padding with the following...

UIEdgeInsets oldPadding = self.mapCtrl.map.padding;
UIEdgeInsets newPadding = UIEdgeInsetsMake(top, left, bottom, right);

float deltaX = ((newPadding.right - newPadding.left)/2 - (oldPadding.right-oldPadding.left)/2);
float deltaY = ((newPadding.top - newPadding.bottom)/2 - (oldPadding.top-oldPadding.bottom)/2);

GMSCameraUpdate *updatedCamera = [GMSCameraUpdate scrollByX:deltaX Y:deltaY];

[self.mapCtrl.map setPadding:newPadding];
[self.mapCtrl.map moveCamera:updatedCamera];

But I'd say it only works 50%. The other 50% the map moves to the new padding location and then back to where I want it to be.

I see two possible solutions for this... A) change the padding in a different way so that it doesn't move the map, or B) figure out a way to get the above code to work by somehow pausing or grouping map movements so that both calls only go through at once. But I can't figure out how to make either of those two things happen.

like image 336
bentomas Avatar asked May 18 '15 20:05


1 Answers

Make sure you have the same padding on top and bottom so everything keeps centered.

like image 52
David Cespedes Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 07:09

David Cespedes