This question is with reference to This SO question
The above question is regarding changing the labels of a facet_wrap, the answer is perfect --> add a modified label as a new column of the dataset.
Now, the problem I am facing is --
User selects multiple variables selectInput("select", h4("Variables:"), choices=var.both1(), selected=var.both1()[1], multiple=T, width="100%")
(for ex: lets consider input$select
length can be 6)
now input$select
contains six variables, I want to check each variable and assign units to it, and I can partially achieve this with the following reactive component
variableunit <- reactive ({
if(input$select == "TEPC") {"degC"}
else if(input$select == "AT"){"µmol/kg"}
else if(input$select == "DIC" | input$select == "DIN" | input$select == "PIC" | input$select == "POC" | input$select == "PON" | input$select == "POP" | input$select == "DOC" | input$select == "DON" | input$select == "DOP" | input$select == "TEP"){c("µmol/L")}
else if(input$select == "Chla"){"µg/L"}
else ("Meters")
the variableunit
here gets a single value, even the user enters 6 variable, variableunit
can give me only one single value.
how can I have a list of 6 values inside variableunit
so that I can use it in the below ggplot facet_wrap
The Code
server <- function(input, output) {
a <- reactive({
fileinput1 <- input$file1
if (is.null(fileinput1))
read.table(fileinput1$datapath, header = TRUE, col.names = c("Ei","Mi","hours","Nphy","Cphy","CHLphy","Nhet","Chet","Ndet","Cdet","DON","DOC","DIN","DIC","AT","dCCHO","TEPC","Ncocco","Ccocco","CHLcocco","PICcocco","par","Temp","Sal","co2atm","u10","dicfl","co2ppm","co2mol","pH"))
#read.table(fileinput1$datapath, header = TRUE, col.names = c("Experiment","Mesocosm","Hour","Nphy","Cphy","CHLphy","Nhet","Chet","Ndet","Cdet","DON","DOC","DIN","DIC","AT","dCCHO","TEPC","Ncocco","Ccocco","CHLcocco","PICcocco","PAR","Temperature","Salinity","CO2atm","u10","DICflux","CO2ppm","CO2mol","pH"))
#a$Chla <- a$CHLphy + a$CHLcocco #Add new columns as per observation data
#a$PON <- a$Nphy + a$Nhet + a$Ndet + a$Ncocco
output$showMapPlot <- renderUI({
{ list(plotOutput("plot",height="100%"), br()) }
output$select <- renderUI({
if(!is.null(a())){selectInput("select", h4("Variables:"), choices=names(a()), selected=NULL, multiple=T, width="100%")}
variableunit <- reactive ({
if(input$select == "TEPC") {"degC"}
else if(input$select == "AT"){"µmol/kg"}
else if(input$select == "DIC" | input$select == "DIN" | input$select == "PIC" | input$select == "POC" | input$select == "PON" | input$select == "POP" | input$select == "DOC" | input$select == "DON" | input$select == "DOP" | input$select == "TEP"){c("µmol/L")}
else if(input$select == "Chla"){"µg/L"}
else ("Meters")
plot_4 <- function(var1 = input$select[1], var2 = input$select[2], var3 = input$select[3], var4 = input$select[4], var5 = input$select[5], var6 = input$select[6]) {
myvars <- c(var1,var2,var3,var4,var5,var6)
withProgress(message = 'Processing please wait...', value = 0, {
gg4 <- aggregate(cbind(get(var1),get(var2),get(var3),get(var4),get(var5),get(var6))~Mi+hours,a(), FUN=mean)
names(gg4)[3] <- var1
names(gg4)[4] <- var2
names(gg4)[5] <- var3
names(gg4)[6] <- var4
names(gg4)[7] <- var5
names(gg4)[8] <- var6
dd <- melt(gg4,id.vars=c("Mi","hours"), measure.vars=myvars)
dd$label <- paste(as.character(dd$variable), "(", (variableunit()), ")", sep="")
print(ggplot(dd,aes(x=hours, y=value)) +
geom_point(aes(color=factor(Mi)), size = 3, position = position_jitter(width = 0.1)) +
geom_smooth(stat= "smooth" , alpha = I(0.01), method="loess", color = "blue") +
facet_wrap(~label, nrow=3, ncol=2,scales = "free_y") + scale_color_discrete("Mesocosm") )
output$plot <- renderPlot({
if(length(input$select) == 6){
height=700, width=1100
ui <- shinyUI(fluidPage(
h4("Data Upload"),
fileInput('file1', h5('Choose Your Model Data'), accept=c('text/csv','text/comma-separated-values,text/plain','.OUT'))),
wellPanel(h4("Variable selection"),uiOutput("select"))
tabPanel("Conditional Plots",plotOutput("plot",height="auto"),value="barplots"),
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
File to upload Download here
Just copy paste the code and execute it.
Now the problem is first variables unit is repeating for all other plots. I know this is the problem with the reactive component that I am using to get the units of the variables.
The Question Now is, how to do that ?
I am stuck here from a long time, really hoping somebody knows the workaround. Thanks.
Q:"how can I have a list of 6 values inside variableunit so that I can use it in the below ggplot facet_wrap"
A: You can have list of 6 values inside reactive function. Use for loop to go through input$select
. And save corresponding unit to same index in a list.
server <- function(input, output) {
variableunit <- reactive({
test <- c("TEPC", "Chla", "DIN", "PIC", "AI", "PON")
values <- list()
for(i in 1:length(test)) {
if(test[[i]] == "TEPC") {
values[[i]] <-"degC"
}else if(test[[i]] == "AT"){
values[[i]] <-"µmol/kg"
}else if(test[[i]] == "DIC" | test[[i]] == "DIN" | test[[i]] == "PIC" | test[[i]] == "POC" | test[[i]] == "PON" | test[[i]] == "POP" | test[[i]] == "DOC" | test[[i]] == "DON" | test[[i]] == "DOP" | test[[i]] == "TEP"){
values[[i]] <-"µmol/L"
}else if(test[[i]] == "Chla"){
values[[i]] <-"µg/L"
values[[i]] <-"Meters"
return(paste(as.character(test), "(",values,")", sep=""))
output$text <- renderText({
ui <- shinyUI(fluidPage(
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
This example renders text: TEPC(degC) Chla(µg/L) DIN(µmol/L) PIC(µmol/L) AI(Meters) PON(µmol/L)
I have tried with the above answer and I will end up getting this error "Error : nrow * ncol >= n is not TRUE". Please let me know if somebody knows the work around.
server <- function(input, output) {
#File Upload
a <- reactive({
fileinput1 <- input$file1
if (is.null(fileinput1))
read.table(fileinput1$datapath, header = TRUE, col.names = c("Ei","Mi","hours","Nphy","Cphy","CHLphy","Nhet","Chet","Ndet","Cdet","DON","DOC","DIN","DIC","AT","dCCHO","TEPC","Ncocco","Ccocco","CHLcocco","PICcocco","par","Temp","Sal","co2atm","u10","dicfl","co2ppm","co2mol","pH"))
output$showMapPlot <- renderUI({
{ list(plotOutput("plot",height="100%"), br()) }
#Variable Input
output$select <- renderUI({
if(!is.null(a())){selectInput("select", h4("Variables:"), choices=names(a())[-c(1,2,3)], selected=NULL, multiple=T, width="100%")}
#Function to plot the variables
plot_4 <- function(var1 = input$select[1], var2 = input$select[2], var3 = input$select[3], var4 = input$select[4], var5 = input$select[5], var6 = input$select[6]) {
myvars <- c(var1,var2,var3,var4,var5,var6)
withProgress(message = 'Processing please wait...', value = 0, {
gg4 <- aggregate(cbind(get(var1),get(var2),get(var3),get(var4),get(var5),get(var6))~Mi+hours,a(), FUN=mean)
names(gg4)[3] <- var1
names(gg4)[4] <- var2
names(gg4)[5] <- var3
names(gg4)[6] <- var4
names(gg4)[7] <- var5
names(gg4)[8] <- var6
dd <- melt(gg4,id.vars=c("Mi","hours"), measure.vars=myvars)
#Reactive element to get the unit corresponding to the variable entered
variableunit <- reactive({
test <- c("TEPC", "Chla", "DIN", "PIC", "AI", "PON")
values <- list()
for(i in 1:length(test)) {
if(test[[i]] == "TEPC") {
values[[i]] <-"degC"
}else if(test[[i]] == "AT"){
values[[i]] <-"µmol/kg"
}else if(test[[i]] == "DIC" | test[[i]] == "DIN" | test[[i]] == "PIC" | test[[i]] == "POC" | test[[i]] == "PON" | test[[i]] == "POP" | test[[i]] == "DOC" | test[[i]] == "DON" | test[[i]] == "DOP" | test[[i]] == "TEP"){
values[[i]] <-"µmol/L"
}else if(test[[i]] == "Chla"){
values[[i]] <-"µg/L"
values[[i]] <-"Meters"
#return(paste(as.character(test), "(",values,")", sep=""))
#dd$label <- paste(as.character(test), "(",values,")", sep="")
dd$label <- paste(as.character(dd$variable), "(", variableunit(), ")", sep="")
#dd$label <- variableunit()
print(ggplot(dd,aes(x=hours, y=value)) +
geom_point(aes(color=factor(Mi)), size = 3, position = position_jitter(width = 0.1)) +
geom_smooth(stat= "smooth" , alpha = I(0.01), method="loess", color = "blue") +
facet_wrap(~label, nrow=3, ncol=2,scales = "free_y") + scale_color_discrete("Mesocosm") )
output$plot <- renderPlot({
if(length(input$select) == 6){
height=700, width=1100
ui <- shinyUI(fluidPage(
h4("Data Upload"),
fileInput('file1', h5('Choose Your Model Data'), accept=c('text/csv','text/comma-separated-values,text/plain','.OUT'))),
wellPanel(h4("Variable selection"),uiOutput("select"))
tabPanel("Conditional Plots",plotOutput("plot",height="auto"),value="barplots"),
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
I could not achieve what I wanted with the melted data, but in my case I am doing aggregate of data then melting. So I just changed the data to whatever way I wanted after the aggregate itself and before melting, so all the variable names are now updated and ready to put into facet panels. Below is the code:
server <- function(input, output) {
#File Upload
a <- reactive({
fileinput1 <- input$file1
if (is.null(fileinput1))
read.table(fileinput1$datapath, header = TRUE, col.names = c("Ei","Mi","hours","Nphy","Cphy","CHLphy","Nhet","Chet","Ndet","Cdet","DON","DOC","DIN","DIC","AT","dCCHO","TEPC","Ncocco","Ccocco","CHLcocco","PICcocco","par","Temp","Sal","co2atm","u10","dicfl","co2ppm","co2mol","pH"))
output$showMapPlot <- renderUI({
{ list(plotOutput("plot",height="100%"), br()) }
#Variable Input
output$select <- renderUI({
if(!is.null(a())){selectInput("select", h4("Variables:"), choices=names(a())[-c(1,2,3)], selected=NULL, multiple=T, width="100%")}
#Reactive Element to update the units
variableunit <- reactive({
#test <- c("TEPC", "Chla", "DIN", "PIC", "AI", "PON")
test <- input$select
values <- list()
for(i in 1:length(test)) {
if(test[[i]] == "TEPC") {
values[[i]] <-"degC"
}else if(test[[i]] == "AT"){
values[[i]] <-"µmol/kg"
}else if(test[[i]] == "DIC" | test[[i]] == "DIN" | test[[i]] == "PIC" | test[[i]] == "POC" | test[[i]] == "PON" | test[[i]] == "POP" | test[[i]] == "DOC" | test[[i]] == "DON" | test[[i]] == "DOP" | test[[i]] == "TEP"){
values[[i]] <-"µmol/L"
}else if(test[[i]] == "Chla"){
values[[i]] <-"µg/L"
values[[i]] <-"Meters"
#Function to plot the variables
plot_4 <- function(var1 = input$select[1], var2 = input$select[2], var3 = input$select[3], var4 = input$select[4], var5 = input$select[5], var6 = input$select[6]) {
myvars <- c(var1,var2,var3,var4,var5,var6)
withProgress(message = 'Processing please wait...', value = 0, {
gg4 <- aggregate(cbind(get(var1),get(var2),get(var3),get(var4),get(var5),get(var6))~Mi+hours,a(), FUN=mean)
names(gg4)[3] <- paste(var1,"(",variableunit()[1],")")
names(gg4)[4] <- paste(var2,"(",variableunit()[2],")")
names(gg4)[5] <- paste(var3,"(",variableunit()[3],")")
names(gg4)[6] <- paste(var4,"(",variableunit()[4],")")
names(gg4)[7] <- paste(var5,"(",variableunit()[5],")")
names(gg4)[8] <- paste(var6,"(",variableunit()[6],")")
dd <- melt(gg4,id.vars=c("Mi","hours"), measure.vars=c(names(gg4)[3],names(gg4)[4],names(gg4)[5],names(gg4)[6],names(gg4)[7],names(gg4)[8]))
print(ggplot(dd,aes(x=hours, y=value)) +
geom_point(aes(color=factor(Mi)), size = 3, position = position_jitter(width = 0.1)) +
geom_smooth(stat= "smooth" , alpha = I(0.01), method="loess", color = "blue") +
facet_wrap(~variable, nrow=3, ncol=2,scales = "free_y") + scale_color_discrete("Mesocosm") )
output$plot <- renderPlot({
if(length(input$select) == 6){
height=700, width=1100
ui <- shinyUI(fluidPage(
h4("Data Upload"),
fileInput('file1', h5('Choose Your Model Data'), accept=c('text/csv','text/comma-separated-values,text/plain','.OUT'))),
wellPanel(h4("Variable selection"),uiOutput("select"))
tabPanel("Conditional Plots",plotOutput("plot",height="auto"),value="barplots"),
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
If someone knows a way to achieve this after the melting of the data then please let me know. Thanks.
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