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How can I base a cells colspan on a conditional value using angular?

Based on a value elsewhere on the html page I need a row within a table to show more cells then everywhere else in the table. In order to keep alignments correct and everything clean I am looking for a way to dynamically set the colspan of a cell using angular. I just can't seem to get this working.

<input type="checkbox" ng-model="vm.noInventory"/>

     <td colspan={{vm.noInventory ? '2' : '1'}}>Inventory<td>
     <td ng-show="vm.noInventory"></td>
     <td>Product B</td>
     <td>55 parts</td>
     <td ng-show="vm.noInventory">Backordered</td>      

like image 743
silvster27 Avatar asked Mar 29 '16 19:03


2 Answers

If you are working in angular where table rows are dynamically generated you can use following <td [attr.colspan]="fieldsChanged.fieldName == 'Comments' ? '2' : ''"> {{fieldsChanged.newValue}}</td>

like image 192
Sushrut Singh Sisodiya Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 21:09

Sushrut Singh Sisodiya

Another method if you are ok with setting colspan through CSS would be to leverage ng-style and define a function which returns an object similar to the one you specified inline.

For example you could add the ng-style directive to the TD element like below:

<td ng-style=vm.colWidth(vm.noInventory)>Inventory<td>

And in your JS:

vm.colWidth = function(noInv) {
  return  {"colspan": noInv ? '2' : '1' };
like image 42
Christian M. Macy Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 21:09

Christian M. Macy