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How can I automate getting the date of build into a constant visible to my code?


I would like to define in my code a constant holding the date on which the executable was built. I would naturally like to automate that process.

I know that I can write a pre-build script using, for example, Perl, to write out a .inc file containing the date. I would prefer a more lightweight solution using, perhaps, environment variables or build variables. Does msbuild provide any variables that would help? Does anyone know a neater solution to the problem?

like image 656
David Heffernan Avatar asked Dec 08 '11 20:12

David Heffernan

1 Answers

You can read the linker timestamp from the PE header of the executable:

uses   ImageHlp;  function LinkerTimeStamp(const FileName: string): TDateTime; overload; var   LI: TLoadedImage; begin   Win32Check(MapAndLoad(PChar(FileName), nil, @LI, False, True));   Result := LI.FileHeader.FileHeader.TimeDateStamp / SecsPerDay + UnixDateDelta;   UnMapAndLoad(@LI); end; 

For the loaded image of the current module, the following seems to work:

function LinkerTimestamp: TDateTime; overload; begin   Result := PImageNtHeaders(HInstance + Cardinal(PImageDosHeader(HInstance)^._lfanew))^.FileHeader.TimeDateStamp / SecsPerDay + UnixDateDelta; end; 

Earlier versions of Delphi didn't update it correctly but it has been fixed around Delphi 2010 or so. For the earlier versions, I used an IDE plugin to update it automatically after a successful compile.

Note: The value is stored as UTC so for display purposes you may need to convert it to an appropriate timezone.

like image 102
Ondrej Kelle Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 15:09

Ondrej Kelle