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How can I append to a <h1> tag inside a span with jQuery?


I'm trying to append some text to a heading that is in a span. But I don't know how to append to the actual heading, and not just the span.


h1 {font-size:250%;color:red;}


<span class="note">
        some text

I run this:

$('.note:first-child').append("more text");

But the text gets appended after the heading tag, and therefore doesn't have the heading style applied to it. How can I append to the heading?

like image 724
ben Avatar asked Dec 28 '22 00:12


1 Answers


$('.note h1:first-child').append("more text");

for inserting inside the first h1 of every .note class


$('.note:first-child h1').append("more text");

for inserting inside text for h1 of first .note class

For first h1 of first .note

$('.note:first-child h1:first-child').append("more text");
like image 172
Santosh Linkha Avatar answered Jan 19 '23 04:01

Santosh Linkha