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How can I ALTER COLUMN to NOT NULL when the column is indexed

I am working in SQL Server 2008 R2 and I have written a stored procedure that adds constraints to several columns in several tables in my database. However, I am finding that the stored procedure fails because it cannot set a particular column as a Primary Key due to an index on the column. This is the case for many of the columns in various tables.

Is there a way to ALTER COLUMN to NOT NULL and set it as the PRIMARY KEY without removing the index? Otherwise, is there a good way to disable or drop the index then enable or recreate it after the ALTER COLUMN statements?

like image 559
Brian Avatar asked Dec 28 '11 21:12


1 Answers

Thank you all for your comments. After some research, I was able to determine how to do this dynamically using the exact tables mentioned by @mwigdahl. See the code below:

DECLARE @indexName nvarchar(254),
    @tableName nvarchar(254),
    @indexType nvarchar(254),
    @columnName nvarchar(254),
    @isPadded integer,
    @ignore_dup_key integer,
    @allow_row_locks integer,
    @allow_page_locks integer,
    @fillFactor integer

    @indexName = i.name, 
    @tableName = o.name,
    @indexType = i.type_desc,
    @columnName = co.[name],
    @isPadded = i.is_padded,
    @ignore_dup_key = i.[ignore_dup_key],
    @allow_row_locks = i.[allow_row_locks],
    @allow_page_locks = i.[allow_page_locks],
    @fillFactor = i.fill_factor
FROM sys.indexes AS i
    INNER JOIN sys.objects AS o ON i.object_id = o.object_id
    INNER JOIN sys.index_columns ic on ic.object_id = i.object_id AND ic.index_id = i.index_id
    INNER JOIN sys.columns co on co.object_id = i.object_id AND co.column_id = ic.column_id
    i.[type] = 2 AND
    o.[type] = 'U'

DECLARE @sql varchar(max)

SET @sql = 'DROP INDEX [' + @indexName + '] ON [' + @tableName + ']'

EXEC (@sql)

PRINT 'Dropped Index'

-- Do work here

DECLARE @pad_index nvarchar(3),
    @ignore_dup nvarchar(3),
    @row_locks nvarchar(3),
    @page_locks nvarchar(3)

IF @isPadded = 0 SET @pad_index = 'OFF'
ELSE SET @pad_index = 'ON'

IF @ignore_dup_key = 0 SET @ignore_dup = 'OFF'
ELSE SET @ignore_dup = 'ON'

IF @allow_row_locks = 0 SET @row_locks = 'OFF'
ELSE SET @row_locks = 'ON'

IF @allow_page_locks = 0 SET @page_locks = 'OFF'
ELSE SET @page_locks = 'ON'

SET @sql = 'CREATE ' + @indexType + ' INDEX [' + @indexName + '] ON [' + @tableName + ']' + 
    '(' + 
    '[' + @columnName + '] ASC' + 
    ') WITH (' + 
    'PAD_INDEX = ' + @pad_index + ',' + 
    'SORT_IN_TEMPDB = OFF,' + 
    'IGNORE_DUP_KEY = ' + @ignore_dup + ',' + 
    'ONLINE = OFF,' + 
    'ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ' + @row_locks + ',' + 
    'ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ' + @page_locks + ',' + 
    'FILLFACTOR = ' + CONVERT(nvarchar(100),@fillFactor) + ')' + 
    'ON [PRIMARY]'

PRINT @sql

EXEC (@sql)

PRINT 'Created Index'

I used the Script Index As function in SSMS to see how the index would be created in T-SQL.

Then I queried the sys.indexes and sys.index_columns tables to determine which properties were available.

The code shows a query against those tables saving those properties to variables and then dropping and recreating the index. There were a few options that were not available in those tables that I had to hard code. Does anyone know if those OPTIONS are available somewhere in a system table?

I hope this helps someone else in the future.

like image 78
Brian Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 03:11
