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How can I adjust the axes to start from zero origin in r plot



To plot the empirical cumulative density of three variables, x1, x2 and x3, I used the following in r:

plot.ecdf(x1, col="blue",
     main="Distribution XYZ",
     xlab="x_i", ylab="Prob(x_i<=y)")

lines(ecdf(x2), col="red")    # adds a line
lines(ecdf(x3), col="green")  # adds line
legend(600,0.6, # places a legend from (x,y)=(600,0.6) on
       c("x1","x2","x3"), # puts text in the legend
       lty=c(1,1,1), # gives the legend appropriate symbols (lines)
       lwd=c(1,1,1),col=c("blue","red","green")) # gives the legend lines the correct color and width

The resulting plot however has two horizontal lines (broken lines) at 0 and 1 besides the box. And, the origin of the box has a space below zero on the vertical axis and a space to the left of zero on the horizontal axis. May you suggest how to remove these space and the additional lines. I wanted but could not post the plot.

EDITED: A sample data can be generated as follows:

sample data

n <- 1000; u <- runif(n)
a <- -4.46; b <- 1.6; c <- -4.63
d <- ( a * u ) + (b * ( ( 1.5 * ( u ** 2 )) - 0.5 ))  + (c * ( (2.5 * (u ** 3)) - (1.5 * u )))
x1 <- -126/d; x2 <- -131/d; x3 <- -187/d
like image 587
Duna Avatar asked Jul 02 '13 14:07


1 Answers

It sounds like you are asking for the style provided by different settings for 'xaxs' and 'yaxs', and maybe 'xlim':


 plot.ecdf(x1, col="blue",
     main="Distribution XYZ",
     xlab="x_i", ylab="Prob(x_i<=y)", 
     xaxs="i",yaxs="i", xlim=c(0,1000) )

lines(ecdf(x2), col="red")    
lines(ecdf(x3), col="green")  

enter image description here

like image 179
IRTFM Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 00:10