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How can I add an upload button to swagger UI in .NET core web api?

I have an ASP.net core web API with swagger (using swashbuckle).

One of the actions in the Web API is a file upload action:

public class FilesController : Controller
    public void Post(IFormFile file)

When I look up that action in the swagger UI it let's me fill in all the fields of IFormFile, which is not what I want to do to test my API.

So how can I add an upload button to the Swagger UI?

like image 872
Nick N. Avatar asked Dec 14 '22 16:12

Nick N.

1 Answers

For anyone looking for an open api implementation

/// <summary>
/// Add extra parameters for uploading files in swagger.
/// </summary>
public class FileUploadOperation : IOperationFilter
    /// <summary>
    /// Applies the specified operation.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="operation">The operation.</param>
    /// <param name="context">The context.</param>
    public void Apply(OpenApiOperation operation, OperationFilterContext context)

        var isFileUploadOperation =
            context.MethodInfo.CustomAttributes.Any(a => a.AttributeType == typeof(FileContentType));

        if (!isFileUploadOperation) return;

        var uploadFileMediaType = new OpenApiMediaType()
            Schema = new OpenApiSchema()
                Type = "object",
                Properties =
                    ["uploadedFile"] = new OpenApiSchema()
                        Description = "Upload File",
                        Type = "file",
                        Format = "formData"
                Required = new HashSet<string>(){  "uploadedFile"  }

        operation.RequestBody = new OpenApiRequestBody
            Content = {  ["multipart/form-data"] = uploadFileMediaType   }
    /// <summary>
    /// Indicates swashbuckle should consider the parameter as a file upload
    /// </summary>
    public class FileContentType : Attribute

Decorate controller using FileContentType attribute

public IActionResult PostFile(IFormFile uploadedFile)

File upload should be generated in the Request body like below..

enter image description here

like image 97
ssilas777 Avatar answered Dec 28 '22 05:12
