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How can I add a WSYWYG editor to Django admin?

What is the most simplest way to add a WSYISWG editors to admin panel on a django blog?

like image 967
Adnan Avatar asked Oct 30 '11 18:10


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1 Answers

I tried to implement the solution given by Vitali Ponomar.

I choose NicEdit because it were just two javascript files (nicEdit.js and nicEditorIcons.gif) that I put in my /media/js/ folder and doesn't require to change my field types in the model (I saw in TinyMCE Documentation that requires to change the field to a HTMLField type and I didn't want to change anything in the database).

I put in the model:

class NewsAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    list_display = ('title','lead','date')
    class Media:
        js = ('/media/js/nicEdit.js', '/media/js/textarea_content.js')

admin.site.register(News, NewsAdmin)

The file textarea_content.js that I put in /media/js/ folder also is used to initialize an specific textarea with some specific buttons is:

bkLib.onDomLoaded(function() {
    new nicEditor({iconsPath : '/media/js/nicEditorIcons.gif',
        buttonList : ['fontSize','fontFamily','bold','italic',

However if you are planning to use it for all textareas you can use bkLib.onDomLoaded(nicEditors.allTextAreas); instead the above code.

Finally, be carefull with permissions (when I tried first time in production environment my javascript files were nor available because of permissions).

like image 86
mauronet Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 20:09
