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How can I add a toolbar button to start an .exe file from Visual Studio 2010?

The title is self explanatory. I would like to add a button to a toolbar in order to run an external executable.

How can I do this?

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Dalibor Čarapić Avatar asked Aug 12 '11 12:08

Dalibor Čarapić

People also ask

How do I add a Start button in Visual Studio?

Simply activate the "Build" toolbar in View > Toolbars. This adds the Start Without Debugging, Build Project, and Build Solution buttons to the Toolbar.

How do I make an executable file in Visual Studio?

To build your program and create teh executable file choose Build My Project.exe from the Build menu - "My Project" represents teh name you chose for your project and the extension ".exe" is used to designate that the file being created will be an executable file.

1 Answers

Add the application as an "External Tool", using Tools... > External Tools. Take note of where your entry was added to the list; on a stock vs2010, that would be entry #5.

Click the mini drop-down button on the right side of your toolbar and select Add or Remove Buttons > Customize...

Click Add Command..., select the Tools category on the left, then External Command N on the right, where N is the entry number from the External Tools dialog.

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lnmx Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 13:09
