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How can I access the default webdriver for Selenium 2 with Rails 3 Rspec and Capybara?

I have been trying to implement Selenium webdriver for a couple days to do my javascript testing. I have installed and included the gem selenium-webdriver in my Gemfile. A few simple tests pass by adding , js: true to an Rspec test.

Nothing else was necessary: When the tests are run, a Firefox window opens the current page specified earlier in the file with Capybara visit path("/news/#{news_item.id}") and then a button is clicked, displaying a form that was hidden, fields are filled, and a submit button is pressed, no problem. The test passes and the browser closes.

Advancing to more complex tests require me to call methods on the webdriver, but I don't know how to access it, because I did not explicitly create one. I could, however, if I wanted create my own with driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :firefox but this causes a second browser instance to open, and it is completely blank rather than opening the page Capybara navigated to.

My question is: How can I get access to the default webdriver being used so that I can call methods such as empty_stars = driver.find_element(:class, "empty-stars-container") and driver.action.move_to(empty_stars).perform ?

like image 603
dudeitsdevin90 Avatar asked Jul 31 '12 15:07


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1 Answers

You can get access to the webdriver in Capybara using:


So you would want to do something like:

empty_stars = page.driver.browser.find_element(:class, "empty-stars-container")
like image 197
Justin Ko Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 02:09

Justin Ko