I have batch file that sets up the desktop environment for me when I am writing code. The file is named: SetEnv.cmd
and it opens 3 other windows:
Here are the contents of SetEnv.cmd
Explorer /n,c:\develop\jboss-4.2.3.GA\server\default\deploy Explorer /n,c:\develop\Project\Mapping\deploy cmd /c SetupEnvCmd.cmd
And here are the contents of SetupEnvCmd.cmd
cd C:\develop\jboss-4.2.3.GA\bin run
Every time I run this, I have to waste time rearranging and resizing the windows. I don't want to run the windows minimized, because I interact with each window many times while writing and testing code. Is there any way I can control the position and/or size of the windows that are opened from within the script?
If you just open the batch file, click on the window, and then click "properties", and then to "layout", and scroll down to "Window Size", you can edit it from there.
Open "Command Prompt", right-click its title bar and choose "Properties". Go to Layout tab. Under "Window position" section, uncheck "Let system position window". Modify Left and Top values to your preference - on my system ( Left=290, Top=0 ) are ok.
Run a batch file at loading of Windows 8 and 10Press Start, type Run, and press Enter . In the Run window, type shell:startup to open the Startup folder. Once the Startup folder is opened, click the Home tab at the top of the folder. Then, select Paste to paste the shortcut file into the Startup folder.
To run a batch file, move to the directory containing the file and type the name of the batch file. For example, if the batch file is named "hope. bat," you'd type "hope" to execute the batch file.
Here is an alternate way with nircmd util from http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/nircmd.html
nircmd win move ititle "cmd.exe" 5 5 10 10
nircmd win setsize ititle "cmd.exe" 30 30 100 200
nircmd cmdwait 1000 win setsize ititle "cmd.exe" 30 30 1000 600
Here are the contents of SetEnv.cmd:
Explorer /n,c:\develop\jboss-4.2.3.GA\server\default\deploy nircmd wait 1000 win setsize ititle "something" x, y, width, height Explorer /n,c:\develop\Project\Mapping\deploy nircmd wait 1000 win setsize ititle "something" x, y, width, height
Where x,y top left corner location and width,height are the window size "something" is window title usually the folder name eg. "c:\develop\jboss-4.2.3.GA\server\default\deploy" The "wait" may need to be adjusted to give the time for the application window to initialize. So you would increase time if you have virus scanners that delay. Not so much a problem with explorer.exe or cmd.exe but something like Firefox's or java applications can vary from few seconds to several dozen seconds depending on the speed your hardware and OS tuning. You can also customize cmd.exe window or the "run" application by adding lines to "SetupEnvCmd.cmd assuming "run" is asynchronous win32 application otherwise add "start" command.
This problem is completely solved using a couple of helper programs and a batch file.
I have two solutions; one for single monitor computer, and another for multi-monitor computer.
This demo batch file will open two Explorer windows side-by-side and centered on the screen at the primary monitor.
Read the description in the batch file.
Tools used:
1. MonitorInfoView by Nir Sofer (41 KB) ...........homepage
2. NirCmd by Nir Sofer (43 KB) ............................homepage
3. A batch file (6 KB) ............................................see below
Gather all three files into a directory.
This is the batch file, ready to run on any Windows system (run it for an instant demo):
@echo off REM ----- GIVE THIS CONSOLE WINDOW TITLE A UNIQUE STRING ID title OPEN-2-EXPLORER-WINDOWS-SIDE-BY-SIDE-AND-CENTERED-ON-SCREEN-AT-THE-PRIMARY-MONITOR___20131209084355 pushd %~dp0 REM ----- HIDE THIS CONSOLE WINDOW (HOOKS THE WINDOW TITLE) nircmd.exe win hide ititle "OPEN-2-EXPLORER-WINDOWS-SIDE-BY-SIDE-AND-CENTERED-ON-SCREEN-AT-THE-PRIMARY-MONITOR___20131209084355" REM ********************** DESCRIPTION ************************************ REM ** This script opens one or more windows with specified screen properties REM ** at the primary monitor (containing the taskbar). The "X/Y position" and REM ** "W/H size" of the windows are auto-set by this script and the monitor REM ** resolution is auto-calculated to suit. REM ** 'MonitorInfoView.exe' is the helper tool used to capture the resolution REM ** info of the monitor. REM ** 'nircmd.exe' is the tool performing all the display trickery. REM ** REM ** To tweak this script, go to the code section named: REM ** >>>>> USER INPUT/PREFERENCES ARE ALL SET HERE <<<<< REM *********************************************************************** REM ----- CLEAR ANY PREVIOUS JOB OUTPUTS IF THEY EXIST if exist ~TMP.TXT type NUL > ~TMP.TXT REM ----- OUTPUT THE PRIMARY MONITOR INFORMATION TO A TEXT FILE MonitorInfoView.exe /hideinactivemonitors 1 /stext ~TMP.TXT REM ----- ISOLATE THE RESOLUTION LINE, REMOVING ALL THE OTHER LINES IN THE TEXT FILE for /f "delims=" %%A in ('type "~TMP.TXT" ^|find.exe /i "Maximum Resolution"') do echo %%A>~TMP.TXT REM ----- GET THE RESOLUTION NUMBERS, AND SET THEM AS VARIABLES for /f "tokens=3,4 delims=:X " %%A in ('type "~TMP.TXT"') do set _SCREENW_=%%A& set _SCREENH_=%%B REM >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< REM >>>>>>>>>> USER INPUT/PREFERENCES ARE ALL SET HERE [BEGIN] <<<<<<<<<<<< REM ----- LEFT WINDOW PROPERTIES set _WINLEFT_=%SYSTEMDRIVE% set /a _WINLEFTW_=(%_SCREENW_% / 3) + 50 set /a _WINLEFTH_=(%_SCREENH_% / 2) + 200 set /a _WINLEFTX_=(%_SCREENW_% - %_WINLEFTW_%) / 5 set /a _WINLEFTY_=(%_SCREENH_% - %_WINLEFTH_%) / 2 REM ----- RIGHT WINDOW PROPERTIES set _WINRIGHT_=%USERPROFILE% set /a _WINRIGHTW_=(%_SCREENW_% / 3) + 50 set /a _WINRIGHTH_=(%_SCREENH_% / 2) + 200 set /a _WINRIGHTX_=(%_WINLEFTX_%) + (%_WINLEFTW_%) set /a _WINRIGHTY_=(%_SCREENH_% - %_WINRIGHTH_%) / 2 REM ----- ADJUST THE WAIT TIME (MILLISECONDS) BETWEEN EACH WINDOW LAUNCH. REM ----- IF TOO QUICK, THE FOLLOWING WINDOW WILL NOT SET IN THE CORRECT SCREEN POSITION. REM ----- | FOR FAST SYSTEM: TRY 200 | NORMAL SYSTEM: TRY 400-600 | BLOATED SYSTEM: TRY 800-1200+ set _WAITTIME_=400 REM ----- ON WINDOWS NT5 (XP, 2000), RUNNING EXPLORER WITH THE 'N' SWITCH WOULD RELIABLY GIVE REM ----- YOU 1-PANE VIEW (HIDDEN LEFT NAV PANE). ALSO, SHOWING/HIDING OF THE LEFT NAV PANE WAS REM ----- INSTANTLY TOGGLED BY AN ICON ON THE EXPLORER GUI TOOLBAR. REM ----- ON WINDOWS NT6 (VISTA, 7), EXPLORER WILL NOT OBEY YOUR COMMANDS AT ALL TIMES AND IT REM ----- IS A "PITA" TO CONTROL THE GRAPHIC USER INTERFACE. REM ----- THIS INPUT SECTION IS A WORKAROUND TO FORCE AN INSTANCE OF NT6 EXPLORER TO BE REM ----- TOGGLED TO A SPECIFIED VIEW. REM ----- | REM ----- | INSERT ONE OF THESE VALUES INTO THE VARIABLE _EXPLORER_VIEW_MYPREF_ REM ----- | | FOR EXPLORER 2-PANE VIEW (SHOW LEFT NAVPANE): 150100000100000000000000E5010000 REM ----- | | FOR EXPLORER 1-PANE VIEW (HIDE LEFT NAVPANE): 1501000000000000000000007B020000 set _EXPLORER_VIEW_MYPREF_=1501000000000000000000007B020000 REM >>>>>>>>>> USER INPUT/PREFERENCES ARE ALL SET HERE [END] <<<<<<<<<<<<<< REM >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< REM ----- RUN THE TASK . . . REM ----- REGKEY 'HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Modules' DOES NOT EXIST IN NT5 OR EARLIER REM ----- BUT TO ELIMINATE DOUBT WE WILL PERFORM A CONDITIONAL VERSION CHECK for /f "tokens=2 delims=[]" %%A in ('ver') do set _THIS_OS_VERSTRING_=%%A set _THIS_OS_VERSTRING_=%_THIS_OS_VERSTRING_:Version =% for /f "tokens=1,2,3* delims=." %%A in ("%_THIS_OS_VERSTRING_%") do set _THIS_OS_MAJORVERSION_=%%A if %_THIS_OS_MAJORVERSION_% leq 5 goto SKIP1 set _EXPLORER_VIEW_REGKEY_=HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Modules\GlobalSettings\Sizer set _EXPLORER_VIEW_REGVAL_=PageSpaceControlSizer if exist ~TMP.TXT type NUL > ~TMP.TXT reg.exe query %_EXPLORER_VIEW_REGKEY_% > ~TMP.TXT if %ERRORLEVEL% equ 1 goto SKIP1 for /f "delims=" %%A in ('type "~TMP.TXT" ^|find.exe /i "%_EXPLORER_VIEW_REGVAL_%"') do echo %%A>~TMP.TXT for /f "tokens=1-3 delims= " %%A in ('type "~TMP.TXT"') do set _EXPLORER_VIEW_SYSTEMPREF_=%%C reg.exe add %_EXPLORER_VIEW_REGKEY_% /v %_EXPLORER_VIEW_REGVAL_% /t REG_BINARY /d %_EXPLORER_VIEW_MYPREF_% /f 2>nul >nul nircmd.exe wait %_WAITTIME_% :SKIP1 nircmd.exe exec show "explorer.exe" /n,%_WINLEFT_% nircmd.exe wait %_WAITTIME_% nircmd.exe win setsize foreground %_WINLEFTX_% %_WINLEFTY_% %_WINLEFTW_% %_WINLEFTH_% nircmd.exe wait %_WAITTIME_% nircmd.exe exec show "explorer.exe" /n,%_WINRIGHT_% nircmd.exe wait %_WAITTIME_% nircmd.exe win setsize foreground %_WINRIGHTX_% %_WINRIGHTY_% %_WINRIGHTW_% %_WINRIGHTH_% REM ----- RESET SYSTEM PREF, CLEAR MEMORY, CLEANUP, QUIT . . . find.exe /i /c "%_EXPLORER_VIEW_REGVAL_%" ~TMP.TXT if %ERRORLEVEL% equ 1 goto SKIP2 nircmd.exe wait %_WAITTIME_% nircmd.exe wait %_WAITTIME_% reg.exe add %_EXPLORER_VIEW_REGKEY_% /v %_EXPLORER_VIEW_REGVAL_% /t REG_BINARY /d %_EXPLORER_VIEW_SYSTEMPREF_% /f 2>nul >nul :SKIP2 set _SCREENW_= set _SCREENH_= set _WINLEFTX_= set _WINLEFTY_= set _WINLEFTW_= set _WINLEFTH_= set _WINRIGHTX_= set _WINRIGHTY_= set _WINRIGHTW_= set _WINRIGHTH_= set _WAITTIME_= set _THIS_OS_VERSTRING_= set _THIS_OS_MAJORVERSION_= set _EXPLORER_VIEW_REGKEY_= set _EXPLORER_VIEW_REGVAL_= set _EXPLORER_VIEW_MYPREF_= set _EXPLORER_VIEW_SYSTEMPREF_= del /f /q ~TMP.TXT popd exit
This demo batch file will open two Explorer windows side-by-side and centered on the screen at the other (non-primary) monitor of a two-monitor desktop. Read the description in the batch file.
Note: For this demo, I am assuming the left monitor is Monitor-1 (the primary active monitor, containing the taskbar) and right monitor is Monitor-2 (the non-primary active monitor). If your setup is different, then tweak the script.
Tools used:
1. MonitorInfoView by Nir Sofer (41 KB) ..............homepage
2. MultiMonitorTool by Nir Sofer (102 KB) ...........homepage
3. NirCmd by Nir Sofer (43 KB) ...............................homepage
4. A batch file (6 KB) ...............................................see below
Gather all four files into a directory.
This is the batch file, ready to run on any Windows system (run it for an instant demo):
@echo off REM ----- GIVE THIS CONSOLE WINDOW TITLE A UNIQUE STRING ID title OPEN-2-EXPLORER-WINDOWS-SIDE-BY-SIDE-AND-CENTERED-ON-SCREEN-AT-MONITOR-2-OF-A-MULTI-MONITOR-DESKTOP___20140101024519 pushd %~dp0 REM ----- HIDE THIS CONSOLE WINDOW (HOOKS THE WINDOW TITLE) nircmd.exe win hide ititle "OPEN-2-EXPLORER-WINDOWS-SIDE-BY-SIDE-AND-CENTERED-ON-SCREEN-AT-MONITOR-2-OF-A-MULTI-MONITOR-DESKTOP___20140101024519" REM ********************** DESCRIPTION ************************************ REM ** This script opens one or more windows with specified screen properties REM ** at a chosen monitor of a multi-monitor desktop. The "X/Y position" and REM ** "W/H size" of the windows are auto-set by this script and the monitor REM ** resolutions are auto-calculated to suit. REM ** 'MonitorInfoView.exe' is the helper tool used to isolate the resolution REM ** info of the primary monitor (containing the taskbar). REM ** 'MultiMonitorTool.exe' is the helper tool used to capture the REM ** resolution info of all monitors and for isolating the resolution info REM ** of the other (non-primary) monitor. REM ** 'nircmd.exe' is the tool performing all the display trickery. REM ** REM ** To tweak this script, go to the code section named: REM ** >>>>> USER INPUT/PREFERENCES ARE ALL SET HERE <<<<< REM *********************************************************************** REM ----- CLEAR ANY PREVIOUS JOB OUTPUTS IF THEY EXIST if exist ~TMP.TXT type NUL > ~TMP.TXT if exist ~TMP2.TXT type NUL > ~TMP2.TXT REM ----- OUTPUT THE PRIMARY MONITOR (MONITOR-1) INFORMATION TO A TEXT FILE MonitorInfoView.exe /hideinactivemonitors 1 /stext ~TMP.TXT REM ----- ISOLATE THE RESOLUTION LINE OF MONITOR-1, REMOVING ALL THE OTHER LINES IN THE TEXT FILE for /f "delims=" %%A in ('type "~TMP.TXT" ^|find.exe /i "Maximum Resolution"') do echo %%A>~TMP.TXT REM ----- GET THE RESOLUTION NUMBERS OF MONITOR-1, AND SET THEM AS VARIABLES for /f "tokens=3,4 delims=:X " %%A in ('type "~TMP.TXT"') do ( set _M1_SCREENW_=%%A set _M1_SCREENH_=%%B ) REM ----- OUTPUT INFO OF ALL MONITORS TO TEXT FILE MultiMonitorTool.exe /stext ~TMP.TXT REM ----- TRY REMOVING MONITOR-1 RESOLUTION LINE (KEEPING MONITOR-2 RESOLUTION LINE) find.exe /i /v "%_M1_SCREENW_% X %_M1_SCREENH_%" < ~TMP.TXT > ~TMP2.TXT REM ----- TRY ISOLATING MONITOR-2 RESOLUTION LINE (REMOVING ALL THE OTHER LINES IN THE TEXT FILE) for /f "delims=" %%A in ('type "~TMP2.TXT" ^|find.exe /i "Maximum Resolution"') do echo %%A>~TMP2.TXT REM ----- CONDITIONALLY GET THE RESOLUTION NUMBERS OF MONITOR-2, AND SET THEM AS VARIABLES ... REM ----- CASE(A): IF MONITORS HAVE SAME RESOLUTION, ASSUME NO LINES HAVE STRING "Maximum Resolution". REM ----- CASE(B): IF MONITORS HAVE DIFFERENT RESOLUTION, ASSUME ONE LINE HAS STRING "Maximum Resolution". find.exe /i /c "Maximum Resolution" ~TMP2.TXT if %ERRORLEVEL% equ 1 ( set _M2_SCREENW_=%_M1_SCREENW_%&set _M2_SCREENH_=%_M1_SCREENH_% ) else ( for /f "tokens=3,4 delims=:X " %%A in ('type "~TMP2.TXT"') do set _M2_SCREENW_=%%A&set _M2_SCREENH_=%%B ) REM >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< REM >>>>>>>>>> USER INPUT/PREFERENCES ARE ALL SET HERE [BEGIN] <<<<<<<<<<<< REM ----- MONITOR-2 LEFT WINDOW PROPERTIES set _M2_WINLEFT_=%SYSTEMDRIVE% set /a _M2_WINLEFTW_=(%_M2_SCREENW_% / 3) + 50 set /a _M2_WINLEFTH_=(%_M2_SCREENH_% / 2) + 200 set /a _M2_WINLEFTX_=(%_M1_SCREENW_%) + (%_M2_SCREENW_% - %_M2_WINLEFTW_%) / 5 set /a _M2_WINLEFTY_=(%_M2_SCREENH_% - %_M2_WINLEFTH_%) / 2 REM ----- MONITOR-2 RIGHT WINDOW PROPERTIES set _M2_WINRIGHT_=%USERPROFILE% set /a _M2_WINRIGHTW_=(%_M2_SCREENW_% / 3) + 50 set /a _M2_WINRIGHTH_=(%_M2_SCREENH_% / 2) + 200 set /a _M2_WINRIGHTX_=(%_M2_WINLEFTX_%) + (%_M2_WINLEFTW_%) set /a _M2_WINRIGHTY_=(%_M2_SCREENH_% - %_M2_WINRIGHTH_%) / 2 REM ----- ADJUST THE WAIT TIME (MILLISECONDS) BETWEEN EACH WINDOW LAUNCH. REM ----- IF TOO QUICK, THE FOLLOWING WINDOW WILL NOT SET IN THE CORRECT SCREEN POSITION. REM ----- | FOR FAST SYSTEM: TRY 200 | NORMAL SYSTEM: TRY 400-600 | BLOATED SYSTEM: TRY 800-1200+ set _WAITTIME_=400 REM ----- ON WINDOWS NT5 (XP, 2000), RUNNING EXPLORER WITH THE 'N' SWITCH WOULD RELIABLY GIVE REM ----- YOU 1-PANE VIEW (HIDDEN LEFT NAV PANE). ALSO, SHOWING/HIDING OF THE LEFT NAV PANE WAS REM ----- INSTANTLY TOGGLED BY AN ICON ON THE EXPLORER GUI TOOLBAR. REM ----- ON WINDOWS NT6 (VISTA, 7), EXPLORER WILL NOT OBEY YOUR COMMANDS AT ALL TIMES AND IT REM ----- IS A "PITA" TO CONTROL THE GRAPHIC USER INTERFACE. REM ----- THIS INPUT SECTION IS A WORKAROUND TO FORCE AN INSTANCE OF NT6 EXPLORER TO BE REM ----- TOGGLED TO A SPECIFIED VIEW. REM ----- | REM ----- | INSERT ONE OF THESE VALUES INTO THE VARIABLE _EXPLORER_VIEW_MYPREF_ REM ----- | | FOR EXPLORER 2-PANE VIEW (SHOW LEFT NAVPANE): 150100000100000000000000E5010000 REM ----- | | FOR EXPLORER 1-PANE VIEW (HIDE LEFT NAVPANE): 1501000000000000000000007B020000 set _EXPLORER_VIEW_MYPREF_=1501000000000000000000007B020000 REM >>>>>>>>>> USER INPUT/PREFERENCES ARE ALL SET HERE [END] <<<<<<<<<<<<<< REM >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< REM ----- RUN THE TASK . . . REM ----- REGKEY 'HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Modules' DOES NOT EXIST IN NT5 OR EARLIER REM ----- BUT TO ELIMINATE DOUBT WE WILL PERFORM A CONDITIONAL VERSION CHECK for /f "tokens=2 delims=[]" %%A in ('ver') do set _THIS_OS_VERSTRING_=%%A set _THIS_OS_VERSTRING_=%_THIS_OS_VERSTRING_:Version =% for /f "tokens=1,2,3* delims=." %%A in ("%_THIS_OS_VERSTRING_%") do set _THIS_OS_MAJORVERSION_=%%A if %_THIS_OS_MAJORVERSION_% leq 5 goto SKIP1 set _EXPLORER_VIEW_REGKEY_=HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Modules\GlobalSettings\Sizer set _EXPLORER_VIEW_REGVAL_=PageSpaceControlSizer if exist ~TMP.TXT type NUL > ~TMP.TXT reg.exe query %_EXPLORER_VIEW_REGKEY_% > ~TMP.TXT if %ERRORLEVEL% equ 1 goto SKIP1 for /f "delims=" %%A in ('type "~TMP.TXT" ^|find.exe /i "%_EXPLORER_VIEW_REGVAL_%"') do echo %%A>~TMP.TXT for /f "tokens=1-3 delims= " %%A in ('type "~TMP.TXT"') do set _EXPLORER_VIEW_SYSTEMPREF_=%%C reg.exe add %_EXPLORER_VIEW_REGKEY_% /v %_EXPLORER_VIEW_REGVAL_% /t REG_BINARY /d %_EXPLORER_VIEW_MYPREF_% /f 2>nul >nul nircmd.exe wait %_WAITTIME_% :SKIP1 nircmd.exe exec show "explorer.exe" /n,%_M2_WINLEFT_% nircmd.exe wait %_WAITTIME_% nircmd.exe win setsize foreground %_M2_WINLEFTX_% %_M2_WINLEFTY_% %_M2_WINLEFTW_% %_M2_WINLEFTH_% nircmd.exe wait %_WAITTIME_% nircmd.exe exec show "explorer.exe" /n,%_M2_WINRIGHT_% nircmd.exe wait %_WAITTIME_% nircmd.exe win setsize foreground %_M2_WINRIGHTX_% %_M2_WINRIGHTY_% %_M2_WINRIGHTW_% %_M2_WINRIGHTH_% REM ----- RESET SYSTEM PREF, CLEAR MEMORY, CLEANUP, QUIT . . . find.exe /i /c "%_EXPLORER_VIEW_REGVAL_%" ~TMP.TXT if %ERRORLEVEL% equ 1 goto SKIP2 nircmd.exe wait %_WAITTIME_% nircmd.exe wait %_WAITTIME_% reg.exe add %_EXPLORER_VIEW_REGKEY_% /v %_EXPLORER_VIEW_REGVAL_% /t REG_BINARY /d %_EXPLORER_VIEW_SYSTEMPREF_% /f 2>nul >nul :SKIP2 set _M1_SCREENW_= set _M1_SCREENH_= set _M2_SCREENW_= set _M2_SCREENH_= set _M2_WINLEFT_= set _M2_WINLEFTX_= set _M2_WINLEFTY_= set _M2_WINLEFTW_= set _M2_WINLEFTH_= set _M2_WINRIGHT_= set _M2_WINRIGHTX_= set _M2_WINRIGHTY_= set _M2_WINRIGHTW_= set _M2_WINRIGHTH_= set _WAITTIME_= set _THIS_OS_VERSTRING_= set _THIS_OS_MAJORVERSION_= set _EXPLORER_VIEW_REGKEY_= set _EXPLORER_VIEW_REGVAL_= set _EXPLORER_VIEW_MYPREF_= set _EXPLORER_VIEW_SYSTEMPREF_= del /f /q ~TMP.TXT del /f /q ~TMP2.TXT popd exit
This demo batch file will run a command-line program and set the position and size of its Command Prompt console window. The general theme of this batch is the same as the previous two solutions, but there were some unique problems and workarounds to make this work----this is a Command Prompt window hosted by 'CMD.EXE' and not a GUI window like 'EXPLORER.EXE'----Read all the comments in the batch file for more info. Read the description too.
Tools used:
1. MonitorInfoView by Nir Sofer (41 KB) ........homepage
2. NirCmd by Nir Sofer (43 KB) .........................homepage
3. GetPIDs by Daniel Scheibli (280 KB) ..............homepage
4. A command-line program .........................for this demo, I am running 'UPX.EXE' from same directory as batch ...homepage
5. A batch file (6 KB) .........................................see below
Gather all five files into a directory.
This is the batch file, ready to run on any Windows system (run it for an instant demo):
What this demo batch is going to do, apart from presenting you with a custom console window, is it will run upx.exe
with the command-line switch --best -v -o getpids-compressed.exe getpids.exe
. We are going to compress our tool GetPIDs
(which is 280 KB) down to 88 KB ! ..........after launching, double-click on the title bar of this console window to see an interesting phenomenon; this console window behaves like a GUI !
@echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion enableextensions pushd %~dp0% REM ----- ADD SOME USEFUL INFORMATION TO THIS CONSOLE WINDOW TITLE. for /f "tokens=3" %%A in ('getpids.exe') do set _PROCESS_ID_=%%A title This batch file runs a command-line program and sets the position and size of its console window (PROCESS ID = %_PROCESS_ID_%) REM ********************** DESCRIPTION ************************************ REM ** This script opens a command-line program console window with specified REM ** screen properties at the primary monitor (containing the taskbar). REM ** The "X/Y position" and "W/H size" of the console window is auto-set by REM ** this script and the monitor resolution is auto-calculated to suit. REM ** 'MonitorInfoView.exe' is the helper tool used to capture the resolution REM ** info of the monitor. REM ** 'nircmd.exe' is the tool performing all the display trickery. REM ** 'getpids.exe' is the helper tool used to capture the Process ID of the REM ** working batch file, thus allowing us to identify which CMD.EXE host this REM ** console window belongs to when looking at Task Manager. REM ** REM ** To tweak this script, go to the code section named: REM ** >>>>> USER INPUT/PREFERENCES ARE ALL SET HERE <<<<< REM *********************************************************************** REM ----- CLEAR ANY PREVIOUS JOB OUTPUTS IF THEY EXIST if exist ~TMP.TXT type NUL > ~TMP.TXT REM ----- OUTPUT THE PRIMARY MONITOR INFORMATION TO A TEXT FILE MonitorInfoView.exe /hideinactivemonitors 1 /stext ~TMP.TXT REM ----- ISOLATE THE RESOLUTION LINE, REMOVING ALL THE OTHER LINES IN THE TEXT FILE for /f "delims=" %%A in ('type "~TMP.TXT" ^|find.exe /i "Maximum Resolution"') do echo %%A>~TMP.TXT REM ----- GET THE RESOLUTION NUMBERS, AND SET THEM AS VARIABLES for /f "tokens=3,4 delims=:X " %%A in ('type "~TMP.TXT"') do set _SCREENW_=%%A& set _SCREENH_=%%B REM >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< REM >>>>>>>>>> USER INPUT/PREFERENCES ARE ALL SET HERE [BEGIN] <<<<<<<<<<<< REM ----- ---------------------------------------- REM ----- |COMMAND-LINE PROGRAM TO BE RUN: FILE NAME (WITH EXTENSION) REM ----- | REM ----- | |IF PROG TO BE RUN IS 'CMD.EXE' (WINDOWS COMMAND PROCESSOR) REM ----- | |ALSO READ THE NEXT COMMENTS ABOUT SETTING SWITCHES set _MYPROGRAM_=upx.exe REM ----- ---------------------------------------- REM ----- |COMMAND-LINE PROGRAM TO BE RUN: SWITCHES (TO BE PASSED TO THE PROGRAM) REM ----- | REM ----- | |YOU CAN LEAVE THIS VARIABLE WITH A BLANK VALUE IF RUNNING THE PROG WITHOUT ANY PARAMETERS REM ----- | | REM ----- | | |IF THE VALUE CONTAINS THE CHARS '|' OR '<' OR '>' THIS BATCH WILL FAIL TO RUN !!! REM ----- | | | REM ----- | | | |YOU CAN APPEND EXTRA TEXT TO THE END OF THE COMMAND BY USING THE AMPERSAND CHARACTER '&' REM ----- | | | | EXAMPLES: REM ----- | | | | set _MYPROGRAMSWITCHES_=dir "%systemroot%\system32" /a/o/s/4 & this text will be ignored; useful for adding some inline comments. REM ----- | | | | set _MYPROGRAMSWITCHES_=dir "%systemroot%\system32" /a/o/s/4 & this works too, and the extra blank spaces will also be ignored. REM ----- | | | | REM ----- | | | | |IF PROG TO BE RUN IS 'CMD.EXE' (WINDOWS COMMAND PROCESSOR), PATH ARGUMENTS MUST POINT TO A SPECIFIC LOCATION REM ----- | | | | |AND BE ABSOLUTE OR INCLUDE ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES, AND ALWAYS ENCLOSE PATHS IN QUOTES. REM ----- | | | | | EXAMPLES: REM ----- | | | | | set _MYPROGRAMSWITCHES_=type "C:\Folder With Spaces\File.txt" REM ----- | | | | | set _MYPROGRAMSWITCHES_=type "C:\FolderWithoutSpaces\File.txt" REM ----- | | | | | set _MYPROGRAMSWITCHES_=type "%SYSTEMROOT%\..\Folder With Spaces\File.txt" REM ----- | | | | | set _MYPROGRAMSWITCHES_=type %0 <<<<<<<this batch file (quotes are optional; the only exception to the rule) REM ----- | | | | | set _MYPROGRAMSWITCHES_=type "%~dp0%\..\File.txt" <<<<<<<goes back one Dir from this batch file REM ----- | | | | | set _MYPROGRAMSWITCHES_=dir "%systemroot%\system32" /a/o/s/4 <<<<<<<displays directory listing of the System folder. NOTE: 'dir' by itself and REM ----- | | | | | without a specific path argument will resolve to the folder of this batch file. set _MYPROGRAMSWITCHES_=--best -v -o getpids-compressed.exe getpids.exe &// original is 280 KB, will compress down to 88 KB REM ----- ---------------------------------------- REM ----- |COMMAND-LINE PROGRAM TO BE RUN: DIRECTORY PATH (OF THE PROGRAM) REM ----- | REM ----- | |YOU CAN LEAVE THIS VARIABLE WITH A BLANK VALUE IF THE PROG IS AT SAME LOCATION AS BATCH REM ----- | |THIS VARIABLE WILL BE IGNORED IF THE PROG IS 'CMD.EXE' REM ----- | | REM ----- | | EXAMPLES: REM ----- | | set _MYPROGRAMDIR_=.\ <<<<<<<program and batch in same directory REM ----- | | dot backslash *OR* dot (trailing backslash is optional). REM ----- | | set _MYPROGRAMDIR_=%dp0% <<<<<<<program and batch in same directory REM ----- | | same locatiion as previous but using environment variable. REM ----- | | set _MYPROGRAMDIR_=..\ <<<<<<<program is back one directory from batch REM ----- | | dot dot backslash *OR* dot dot (trailing backslash is optional). REM ----- | | set _MYPROGRAMDIR_=%dp0%\.. <<<<<<<program is back one directory from batch REM ----- | | same as location as previous but using environment variable. REM ----- | | set _MYPROGRAMDIR_=%SYSTEMROOT%\..\My Utilities <<<<<<<program is back one directory from the Windows folder REM ----- | | and then forwards into the folder 'My Utilities' REM ----- | | set _MYPROGRAMDIR_=C:\My Utilities\ <<<<<<<enclosing quotes are optional; trailing backslash is optional REM ----- | | same location as previous set _MYPROGRAMDIR_= REM ----- ---------------------------------------- REM ----- |SET THE WANTED DIMENSIONS OF THIS CONSOLE WINDOW set /a _WINW_=(%_SCREENW_% / 2) + 250 set /a _WINH_=(%_SCREENH_% / 2) + 150 set /a _WINX_=(%_SCREENW_% - %_WINW_%) / 2 set /a _WINY_=(%_SCREENH_% - %_WINH_%) / 2 REM ----- ---------------------------------------- REM ----- |STYLE THIS CONSOLE WINDOW !!!IMPORTANT!!! REM ----- | REM ----- | |IF WE DO NOT USE THE 'MODE' COMMAND HERE ALONG WITH ITS 'COLS/LINES' VALUES THEN REM ----- | |THE POSITIONING/SIZING OF THIS WINDOW BY 'NIRCMD.EXE' FURTHER DOWN WILL NOT WORK !!! REM ----- | | REM ----- | | |SOME COMMANDS WILL OUTPUT A LOT OF LINES AND AND THE CONSOLE DISPLAY WILL BE TRUNCATED REM ----- | | |RUN THIS FOR AN EXAMPLE=====> cmd.exe dir "%systemroot%\system32" /a/o/s/4 <===== REM ----- | | |TO SOLVE THIS PROBLEM, SET THE 'LINES' VALUE OF 'MODE' TO A VERY HIGH NUMBER REM ----- | | |THE MAXIMUM NUMBER IS 32000 (ON MY SYSTEM); 'MODE' WILL BE IGNORED IF THE NUMBER IS HIGHER !!! color 0A mode.com con:cols=%_SCREENW_% lines=10000 REM ----- ---------------------------------------- REM ----- |DELETE THE TEMP TEXT FILE MADE BY 'MonitorInfoView.exe' REM ----- |COMMENT OUT THE LINE IF YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT DELETING IT del /f /q ~TMP.TXT 2>nul >nul REM >>>>>>>>>> USER INPUT/PREFERENCES ARE ALL SET HERE [END] <<<<<<<<<<<<<< REM >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< REM ----- RUN THE TASK . . . nircmd.exe win setsize foreground %_WINX_% %_WINY_% %_WINW_% %_WINH_% popd if not defined _MYPROGRAMDIR_ set _MYPROGRAMDIR_=%~dp0 if "!_MYPROGRAMDIR_!" == "." set _MYPROGRAMDIR_=%~dp0 if "!_MYPROGRAMDIR_!" == ".\" set _MYPROGRAMDIR_=%~dp0 pushd %_MYPROGRAMDIR_% if not exist %_MYPROGRAMDIR_% goto _SKIP_ set _CONVERT_PATH_="%CD%" set _CONVERT_PATH_=%_CONVERT_PATH_:"=% set _MYPROGRAMDIR_=%_CONVERT_PATH_% :_SKIP_ popd echo =============================================================================== echo PROGRAM ..............: !_MYPROGRAM_! if "!_MYPROGRAM_!"=="cmd.exe" (echo PROGRAM DIR ..........: %SYSTEMROOT%\system32) else (echo PROGRAM DIR ..........: !_MYPROGRAMDIR_!) echo PROGRAM SWITCHES .....: !_MYPROGRAMSWITCHES_! echo =============================================================================== if "!_MYPROGRAM_!"=="cmd.exe" (goto _PROGRAM_IS_CMD_) else (goto _PROGRAM_IS_OTHER_) :_PROGRAM_IS_CMD_ cd /d "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32" !_MYPROGRAMSWITCHES_! echo. & echo. & echo. goto _END_ :_PROGRAM_IS_OTHER_ cd /d "!_MYPROGRAMDIR_!" if "%CD%\!_MYPROGRAM_!" == "%CD%\" goto _ERRORMESSAGE_ if not exist "%CD%\!_MYPROGRAM_!" goto _ERRORMESSAGE_ "!_MYPROGRAMDIR_!\!_MYPROGRAM_!" !_MYPROGRAMSWITCHES_! echo. & echo. & echo. goto _END_ :_ERRORMESSAGE_ cls color 4F echo =============================================================================== echo PROGRAM ..............: !_MYPROGRAM_! echo PROGRAM DIR ..........: !_MYPROGRAMDIR_! echo PROGRAM SWITCHES .....: !_MYPROGRAMSWITCHES_! echo =============================================================================== echo ^^!^^!^^! E R R O R ^^!^^!^^! echo. echo The program has failed to run; the path set by the above values does not exist. echo Please exit this window and check the values you have set in this batch file. echo. echo This batch file is located here: echo %0 echo. & echo. & echo. & echo. & echo. :_END_ REM ----- CLEAR VARIABLE VALUES FROM MEMORY . . . set _PROCESS_ID_= set _SCREENW_= set _SCREENH_= set _MYPROGRAM_= set _MYPROGRAMSWITCHES_= set _MYPROGRAMDIR_= set _WINW_= set _WINH_= set _WINX_= set _WINY_= set _CONVERT_PATH_= REM ----- STOP THIS CONSOLE WINDOW FROM CLOSING !!!IMPORTANT!!! . . . REM ----- SEE <http://superuser.com/questions/306167/how-to-prevent-the-command-prompt-from-closing-after-execution> cmd.exe
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