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How are variable values stored in C?

Let's say I have the following C code:

int x= 4;
int y = x;

X now references the memory location where the '4' is stored and prints as 4. y references x so it will also print 4. So why is it that when I change the value of x, eg x=6;, y doesn't get changed also? I must be misunderstanding something. Is it the same for all languages?

I couldn't find an answer to my question anywhere (probably because of poor wording).

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Isaiah G Avatar asked Feb 09 '21 19:02

Isaiah G

4 Answers

Your understanding is completely wrong.

When you write int x = 4;, the x represents an actual memory location on the stack, that then gets filled with the value 4. x is irrevocably linked with that piece of memory - when x goes out of scope the memory also disappears.

When you write int y = x; again y represents an actual piece of memory. It does not 'refer' to x, instead, the contents of x are copied into y.

Is it the same for all languages?

No, different languages can and do have completely different semantics. However the way C does it is usually called value semantics.

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orlp Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 13:09


y never references x. The assignment operator, =, copies values. x is just a value of 4, of int type. int y = x is assigning the current value of x to y, copying it in the process.

To behave like you're describing, y would need to be a pointer to an int, int *, and it would be assigned the address of x, like so:

#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    int x = 4;
    int *y = &x;
    printf("before: x: %d, y: %d\n", x, *y);
    x = 123; // modify x
    printf("after:  x: %d, y: %d\n", x, *y);
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Alexander Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 13:09


X now references the memory location where the '4' is stored

No, 4 isn't stored anywhere, it's a parameter to a mov. x has its own memory location that holds an integer value, in this case 4.

y references x

No, y also has its own memory location that stores an integer, also in this case 4.

So why is it that when I change the value of x, eg x=6;, y doesn't get changed

They're both different memory locations, changing one has no impact on the other.

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Blindy Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 13:09


It's not the same for all languages. Is it the same for C-style languages, like C++ and such? Normally, yes.

Importantly, x doesn't reference a "memory location". It just represents an object (in C parlance, meaning "thing that you can change and pass around") that has a particular value. When compiled that x might be stored in memory, in a register, or optimized out and eliminated entirely.

For example:

int x = 1;
int y = x + 1;
int z = 4;


Here y will be 2, that can be determined at compile time, x will be 1, and z doesn't matter so it might even get deleted. y isn't computed based on x, it's computed based on static analysis of the code where the compiler rightfully asserts that it can only ever be 2, so the x factor is optimized out.

When you change y you're changing a separate thing, it has no effect on x unless you explicitly make that assignment.

This is not true in a language like C++ where references exist, as those are like variable aliases:

int& y = x; // Same as `x`, where `y` is just another name for same

Note that this is limited as well, like if int y = x + 2 you can't use references, as you're not referencing a variable. That's an expression.

In some languages an assignment like this is treated more in the mathematical sense, as in y is always x + 2 depending on whatever value x has at that moment. Functional programming languages tend to employ this model, but the specifics differ considerably.

What you're probably asserting is "Do variables work like this in imperative programming languages?" where the answer is normally yes.

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tadman Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 13:09
