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How are DigitalOcean's one-click apps maintained?

DigitalOcean has a lot of one-click apps available. They help you create a droplet with pre-installed software. But I haven't found any technical documentation on them.


  • who maintains those apps? (Can the community help upgrade them, for instance?)
  • what's the workflow of creating such an application?
like image 651
awendt Avatar asked Mar 15 '23 10:03


1 Answers

I am a Community Manager at DigitalOcean and our team maintains these images. While we do sometimes work directly with open source projects to build and maintain images generally these are build completely in-house. We choose images to build based on feedback on our uservoice.

As for the workflow, these images are created using Fabric scripts. We will create a new droplet using a base image (Usually the latest Ubuntu LTS release) and use fabric to configure the droplet. A snapshot is then created and tested. The snapshot image is then converted to a public image by way of some database changes and is then available in the control panel.

A user can use this same procedure to create custom snapshots on their account.

like image 74
Ryan Quinn Avatar answered Apr 27 '23 21:04

Ryan Quinn